Friday, August 7, 2009

Why me?

Still the questions remain - “But, Why should I be the person changing always….when the other is as bad as ever?

Because, you choose to be the saner of the two. Remember, even you have the choice not to change. You can pay back in the same coin. Each one of us can behave the way one wants. But, when the question arises, “how do I experience the abundance of well-being both physically and financially?” then, the answer is “choose the right way of responding in each and every situation of life. Because, every energy generated by us is going to come back to us in abundance. And after having created pain, anger etc I can’t expect happiness and financial stability too! So, if you don’t want to create blocks that stop abundance coming your way, you are bound to forgive and move on. Not for saintly tag to our name, but only for our well-being. Selfish reason only propels us to goodness too! No harm. But be selfish the right way. Don’t do, think, feel anything that is harmful to your own self. So, don’t generate anger and hatred or ill-feeling towards anyone in life.

Why should I forgive and move on? Because, it is possible only for the saints or for such people with no self-respect and no self-esteem. Only cowards and spineless people would take down the insult silently?

Assuming the other person is wrong. Then, he/she should be punished. By being angry or having feelings of hatred, vengeance, I am developing acidity, BP, hypertension, ulcers and what not (it is proven medically too that these feelings generate chemicals that trigger these diseases in our bodies). As per Indian Penal Code the criminal should be punished, not the wronged. If you are wronged, then why are you whipping yourself with all these diseases? So, as a sensible human being respond with smile, not react with anger. Here, it is not a question of self-respect and all. It is a question of sensibility towards our own good and taking steps that don’t harm us in any way. It is called intelligent living not cowardice. Always remember, no one can insult you unless you permit them to do so!

To possess these emotions is but natural. Then, where is the question of me dropping it?

Just because I have been living in unhygienic conditions, it doesn’t mean I should for the rest of my life. The moment I am given the knowledge of good and healthy living and also an option to choose between the two, won’t I choose to be in healthy atmosphere? If it is so for physical world, why don’t I apply that to the mental space too? What stops me? My stupidity in the name of “but he is wrong tag?” or “self-respect?” Which self-respect am I talking? If I can’t respect my Self completely and act for my well-being, then how can I expect the other to do so for my goodness?

If I am changing all the way, when will the other person understand and change for better?
When the dog comes to bite us, do we stand there and argue “if I am running away from it for ever in life, then when will he learn not to bite?” What logic am I talking when I expect the other to change before I change?

What do I get out of all these? First and foremost – peace of mind which is worth millions. Next, I am not consciously creating any energy that is going to harm me in any way in immediate or in distant future.
one thing i can be sure of with forgiveness...
"Dard minnat kash-e dawa na hua,
main na achha hua, bura na hua.."
Pain did not feel grateful to its remedy
and thought I was not cured I did feel better....

Till I digest all that I typed and apply, you also dispassionately look at your own self with regards to your emotions……..

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