Wednesday, August 5, 2009

on dropping!

If you want to lead a life of abundance, then ‘drop’ – drop all is dead and stinking in yourself….not because I tell you to, not even because it is said in puranas, not because it is ethically right – because by doing so, you are bringing in more possibility of abundance into your own life – abundance of physical well being, emotional balance and financial well being too!

How this luggage removes possibility of abundance from our lives? - abundance of physical well-being, emotional well-being and financial well being too!

Every single emotion such as anger, greed, frustrations, hatred, jealousy et like stem from the centre that is EMPTY - Centre that is YOU. Emptiness can’t be filled inspite of being dumped with all and sundry. Nature has the golden rule – “It gives back in abundance what you give to Nature. As I am giving emptiness, I get only that in abundance back – maybe wrapped in goodies sometimes but emptiness nevertheless…”.

For example, anger gives out helplessness, feeling of wronged, frustrations and a sense of not being understood. This energy goes out to the world and creates such returns to me only. So, I’ll be put in situation where I would feel helpless, feeling of wronged, frustrated and misunderstood. Now, that the situation is real, I would react again with the same feelings – may be with higher degree and it becomes a vicious circle. It has a snowball effect on the chain of events that follow in my life. First feeling is the seed that is called karma and it branches out as a situation or an event in the near or distant (sometimes long forgotten) future where the fruits are going to be of the same seed – remember. If I planted a seed of anger, my tree would give out fruits of frustrations, anger, helplessness etc. But the funny part is I plant one seed and from it comes thousands of fruits – all bitter and sour and painful to me. And the tree comes out in my life as a situation or an event. When I was not comfortable with one seed of anger, no doubt I suffer more with the thousands of fruits of anger lying all around me in my house and backyard.

The next reason is once I am surrounded by this energy I would attract similar energies only. Since, there is no spelling of abundance in this energy, I don’t experience it in my life. Life is such a plate in which only few things can be accommodated. I have already filled it with anger, frustrations, jealousy etc, then where is the place for good and happening things in my life? So, if I want abundance, then I should be letting go off anger so that I am available for abundance in my life. And letting go means to forgive and move on in life…

Karela ka jhaad bo kar mein aam kit ho intezaar nahi kar sakthi na? after sowing seeds of bitter gourd, I can’t expect it to give out mangoes…

It’s all the game of energies, what you create, you experience. So create with little more responsibility – towards your sweet self only and with awareness…because what you sow, so you reap!

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