Saturday, August 8, 2009

on seva

We usually assume that financial aspect is a separate aspect of our personality and life. But, it is not so. Financial healing and abundance, both are integral part of what we have created and what we are. This way, financial abundance is reflection of our own karma. If that be so, what are the characteristics, attitudes, belief systems and thoughts that affect our financial abundance?

a) Seva : Most easiest to do and get benefited; but most misused and abused word and deed! Let’s find out what Seva is not first : Any Act that is done with the thought “If I do service here, I am only benefited!” The moment this thought crosses the mind; it is not Seva but the person is operating out of greed. Greed is like an ‘empty well’ which never gets filled however much you put into it.
“The world has enough to fulfill every man’s need; but the entire world is not enough to cater to one man’s greed” – M.K.Gandhi.
So, true!
The basis of Seva should be self-less-ness. But, this thought negates the very basis of Seva. So, karke bhi nahi kiya – so inspite of doing, it’s not done! Seva doesn’t look at the benefits. It is not ‘results oriented’. It is a reminder to self and a way of expressing gratitude for having already received lots from the person/ God to whom you say you wish to do ‘Seva’!

How it’s abused?

Many people use it most frequently trying to fool themselves/ others into believing that they have gratitude. It’s a proof, they use ‘seva’ for every work they are supposed to do. Let me explain with a situation. A person ‘X’ having received a lot from Reiki ‘says’ (just says doesn’t mean!) they wish to do ‘seva’ so will say they wish to come for repeat classes / reiki meet et like and do seva. With this statement, they take few duties to perform. But, actually boss around when performing that duty putting on airs of authority on all and sundry and giving an impression that they are the Be-All of the meet/ class. They wish to exert their ‘control’ actually and just use word ‘Seva’ and take an opportunity to perform duties with the same intention.

They take decisions on others behalf and make statements on their own.

Seva sub-dues one’s ego and doesn’t fan it. Seva doesn’t bloat one’s personality to shout, control or manipulate the finances or any resource for their benefits only.

Same is the case, when people do any ‘Seva’ at any homams/ puja/ temples / ashrams. They want to be recognized as the in-charge of the whole proceedings.

As rightly said : “anni unna vistari anigi manigi untundi, emi leni vistari egiri egiri paduthundi”. A plaintain leaf that is filled stays still, but an empty one floats from here to there.

-yes, empty vessels do make much noise!

So, stop manipulating and start living honestly. Don’t use the word ‘seva’.

will continue the rest tomorrow................

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