Saturday, August 15, 2009

All that matters never matters in the end…….


C Manjussha said...

Hello everybody, I would like to share one of my wonderful experiences today. I was doing my symbol meditation and as soon as I took OM symbol I saw a silvery grey fuild substance in my Sahasra chakra and OM passed from it and I saw complete emptieness inside me no light, no darkness, no thought and no feeling and it touched Muladhara. The whole day I was blisfully happy not knowing for what. I was wondering what it was, Madam very loving explained "what i experienced was not emptiness but completeness". I am very grateful and thankful to Mam for helping and guiding me in my spiritual journey and answering all my silly, stupid and sometime irritating questions (to me it seemed like i am irritating mam but still bothered her).THANK YOU MAM!!! I wish to each and everybody that they have this experience.

Anand Sivaraman said...

Hello everyone.... I would like to share an experience with you all. Very quick response to reiki performed in fact. Yesterday was my first calss of second degree. As emotional healing was taught, mam had asked us to try it on somebody for a better relationship. I performed emotional healing on two of my friends who had fought very badly and there was no hope of them getting back together. But miraculously today i spoke to both of them and made them sort out the differences between them and everything is back to normal again. Thanks to reiki. And regarding the rain that is pouring today, thanks to the entire batch of yesterday and thanks to reiki :-)