Monday, January 12, 2015

qualities of disciple


How do I develop ‘student’ qualities in /through action apart from Sadhan?

Simple. As already stated talk about insights given by your Guru. Talk about his words – be it writings, books or discourses. You can distribute few of the books occasionally of your Guru to people interested in the related topics. If fear grips you, don’t stand up to defend your Guru. Let be! You need not wield a sword for Him. Either he is real Guru or a fake one. If he is ‘smart fake one’, then he’ll show that he is not hurt by what others say about him. So, since you wouldn’t know that he is hurt, you need not feel bad. And if he is ‘real Guru’ and then what people say about him couldn’t bother him. Then also you need not do anything. So, either way, he’ll deal with what others say about him his way (this is if you are afraid of facing wrath of people who dislike him or who are having complaints against him).

Even Lord Krishna had been called “Mayavi” (illusionist) by Duryodhan and gang, Jesus was condemned and crucified. Like wise, the men who say ‘kill all who don’t follow our religion’ also have supporters in thousands! What a irony! 

A person who spreads hatred in the name of religion too is considered a God-man by his followers. So, remember, even the right can be wronged and the wrong considered and glorified as right. Even the right can be condemned and his integrity questioned. But still, these external noises cannot make the right wrong. Similarly, the numbers and the followers cannot make the wrong right.

Just the same, though the wrong is followed by thousands, the might doesn’t become right. Wrong can not be right. Wrong can be assumed as right but it is never right! These things will continue to be so as long as the world exists. So relax!


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This has for surely shown few of the back logs that I have I am going to work on them I know I was a bit shaken by my realization and then while writing this I realize its a thing that I need to start working from today thank u