Tuesday, September 9, 2014

On Comparison

Me, My Guru

I go for walk daily in a park which is in the residential area that I reside.  After walking for ½ an hour, I sat down on the bench.  I do that usually for 15-20 mts and then leave.  Today was no exception.  With nothing much to do, I started looking at people doing exercises, walking and sitting and chatting in the park.  As I started observing, my mind started to look at their faces and make comments on their state of mind.  Looking at the way the person was walking, I figured a limp in his walk. I figured they were tensed, worried etc.  Many looked tired and with lots of health issues – what with knee pains, obesity et like.  Looking at them, I told myself, I was far better than them.  Yes, I was fitter when compared to them.  I should be more happier from now onwards, after all I was better than most of them.  I smiled at my blessing. I felt proud of my body and health.  No doubt, I had few issues with my body but looking at these people I felt much healthier! I think that’s why it’s advised that we walk in such public places where we can watch others more worst than us and feel grateful of our blessings.

I was thinking on these lines, when two girls and a boy ran past my bench. Well, actually they were youngsters in their teens. No. I hadn’t missed them  before.  I noticed them as I entered into the park.  That means, they were jogging – yes jogging and not just walking like me – for more than 45 mts now.  They didn’t seem tired too!  In fact, they were even chatting happily.  How come they had so much of stamina?  I felt a pain in my heart.  Smile vanished from my face and frown replaced it now.  I wasn’t happy.


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