Tuesday, September 16, 2014

on comparison


I didn’t touch my tea as I was lost in my thoughts looking at her. Others were talking among themselves. Some serious, others joking. But, she, she was all drinking. Yes, it seemed as if her whole being was drinking. She seemed to be sipping wine. So slow, so into it. She took a mouthful, relished it before gulping it. Her whole attention was in drinking, yes, not even in the tea. She had become drinking.

I lost track of time as I watched her. And I went through my morning walk – well, you know how? I was doing everything except walking. I was into future of others in their personal lives, in and out of umpteen emotions all in the name of walking.  No doubt, it was tiring.

I smiled. Even after seeing her drink tea, I was again comparing myself with her! How ingrained is this habit of mine in my routine. And that’s the reason, why I am not able to catch it as I live it!

Scores of time, she had told ‘when you walk, walk’ and I had so dutifully nodded my head as if I understood and here I was very clear with my understanding that I haven’t understood the meaning of her words till date! Yes, even those which I presumed, I did I actually didn’t!

I should read them all once again to get actual import of meaning out of them and to apply them…….


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