Friday, September 19, 2014

on comparison of character


Characteristics or Nature of a person – what I haven’t understood till date is ‘how can people compare two individuals?’ it’s like comparing an ant and an elephant, a pen and an eraser, a fruit and a vegetable. They can’t be compared. You may say an ant and an elephant – both are animals so they are same.  But it is not so, you can’t compare two animals from different species. It would be stupidity. Both have their strengths, their purpose, beauty and weakness. Agreed but not on the same level.

Pen and eraser though both are used by any person writing. We can’t compare saying they are kep together, so we’ll compare ! sheer stupidity! A person is unique in this universe as the journey he has made is unique to him and him alone.  No two persons can be the same for ‘a person is what he is because of all that he has gone thorough –good, bad and ugly and whatever done it can’t be done that way by the other’. This is one of the basis of one’s character.

The second reason that reflects a person’s character is the circumstance. Till he faces a certain situation, we never, why even he will never know how he’ll deal with it.  The way he expresses in a certain situation reflects ‘who he truly is’! that’s why we usually hear people say ‘oh my God! I never thought he was like this!’


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