Sunday, September 14, 2014

On comparison

Me, My Guru


As I entered the premises I was sad that I couldn’t have one-to-one session with her. But, now I realized how stupid I was to fear that. These many years with her and yet I haven’t learnt a thing.  Even when she was in a crowd, she was with me exclusively. How she could do it was something I couldn’t fathom till date. Well, that apart now that exclusivity itself has become a problem for me. Yes, I felt she was talking just to me and about me and my actions and feelings and that too in front of everyone.  No doubt, they seemed to enjoy her lecture. It was actually my faults that were being discussed.  So, they really were relishing it.

She had answered so many students’ questions unasked and how many times! She had called so many of them and said ‘what did you want to tell me?’. Yes, it happened to me so many times.

Priya told me that had our Guru coming in her dreams and answering her questions. Yet, here I was surprised and a bit shaken that she was referring to may morning thoughts.


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