Friday, September 4, 2020

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets


Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

55 Best Zen Quotes and Sayings to Simplify Life | BrilliantRead Media

“But, words are words. What has it got to do with playing with ball?” he was more than irritated now.

“Well, yes. You know things of the material world and use science and its craft to get best results there. But Master is one adept in subtler science – science of energies. Master knows words are not empty words. They are not made up of letters and sounds. They carry energy. That energy is received by ‘the word’ from the one who utters it.

Zen Sayings : 56 Famous Zen Quotes To Make Your Life Simple #Quotes  #Motivational #inspirational #lifelessons #Zen… | Zen quotes, Zen proverbs,  Wednesday motivation
Imagine ‘He desired and uttered the word and the creation came into existence!” Don’t hurry reading this sentence. Stop here. Meditate on it - its import, its power, its essence! Understand the power of ‘His Word’ that He uttered OM and the world came into existence” If you understand this you’ll understand the power of word.

Similarly, every person’s energy is carried in the ‘word’ that he utters” she stopped signaling a tea-break.

10 Inspiring Zen Quotes
“So, you say our words don’t carry that much energy as Masters” there was contempt in Vaishnav’s voice now.

Though most of us didn’t have his anger or emotion, it was still difficult for us to process and understand what she just said. Why did these masters’s have more energy in their words? Time to become Master, we thought!

Zen Proverb Quotes | QuoteHD
But she took her break seriously. She didn’t answer. She replied with a smile before retiring into her quarters. We had to live with samosa’s and kachori’s served by Rahul and Aziz and our displeasure till she returned.

Today ½ an hour seemed like an hour. Surprising how time expands when we are suffering and runs fast when we are happy? Does everyone feel this way or just me? 


# on receiving and giving advice, and state of receiver, willingness to receive, energies and how and where they function from

Read the above given link to understand these points : 
  • to understand the power in a Guru's words and their impact in the believer's life
  • it is not the physical proximity that bestows 'grace' but the 'purity of belief' that makes all the difference
  • people who quote as 'I know him for so many years or I was with him for so many years' hardly get the benefit of 'being with the Guru'. Look at Judas who stayed with one of the best Gurus of all times - Jesus and yet remained slave to his greed and sold his Guru and soul for few silver coins.....
  • Character of the person doesn't change because of the proximity to a Guru but when the person is ready to throw away his 'attitude' when he comes in proximity of a Guru receives more than he had come for......
  • A person who defines the role of Guru and its impact in his life treats Guru as his genie who is to dance to his tunes. No doubt, he gets angry, irritated at his Guru even when his wrong is shown to him.
  • But a person who surrenders to the word of his Guru drops his ego before coming to a Guru and that makes it possible for Guru's blessings to show results....
  • When a Guru's blessing is received, a person even without working finds his works and issues resolved on their own.
  • When we send reiki to others, they still have to work and our reiki goes to aid them ONLY. But when Guru sends reiki, works get done automatically! And so sensible and pure in heart shishya surrenders his achievements, success, happiness and every thing that he receives to his Guru.
Pointer to understand this post better : 

a. “But, words are words. What has it got to do with playing with ball?” he was more than irritated now. - How many times we must have got irritated for simple words uttered by others? Apply this not only with your Guru (if you have any) but also with your family and friends. Here Guru was explaining and V got irritated for no good reason.......many times our anger stems not from what is happening then but because of the anger that we carry over time on that person......meditate on this. 

b.“So, you say our words don’t carry that much energy as Masters” there was contempt in Vaishnav’s voice now. - Again, we read unnecessarily between the lines. We assume what hasn't been told also and get angry. We dump our anger, irritation, resentment on the other and yet consider ourselves good enough to receive only good from others?!?
Next, instead of meditating on our anger and finding the root cause of it, we justify it with our reasoning......and there in lies our cause of suffering....meditate. Meditate on the attitude especially anger, hatred, irritation (as we go through this post) to understand the root cause of it.....don't use some one as your punch bag for anger and then expect them to be good to you....even if they forgive and don't hold grudge against you, your karma of hurting them will come back in the form of others hurting you and giving back what you have generated and given to the person in your life....

c. Time to become Master, we thought! - what did the Guru say and how did the students interpret it? And then after becoming masters they are angry and confused when they find their issues just being where they were and how they were....wrong understanding comes from faulty mind set......clear the clutter of the mind and only then clarity of thought would develop. All that we presume is not 'correct'.Beware of your thoughts and assumptions!

d. But she took her break seriously. She didn’t answer. She replied with a smile before retiring into her quarters. - When the person is right and is not operating out of ego, they don't have to justify every single time. They are not ready to fight. Not fighting is not their weakness. It is their strength. Only the actual strong can apply 'restraint' even when provoked. They take their decisions when and how they choose to and when needed, not because someone is instigating them to........

e. We had to live with samosa’s and kachori’s served by Rahul and Aziz and our displeasure till she returned. - Here was snacks served by others. It was free which is welcome by many. Most people want to be given things by others. It pains them to give. And yet they couldn't enjoy 'the free' that they so want to receive because of the displeasure within. Situation doesn't give you as much pain as your mind does! Our mind is our greatest enemy!

f. Regarding time - time is time. one hour is always one hour. But when we suffer the pain it looks like eternity and because we want it to be longer while we are happy it seems to move very fast. Both are untrue. So, if we train our mind enough, the tough time also can be lived effortlessly and without counting will pass in a jiffy with the right state of mind........mind training doesn't mean 'tough situations and time' wouldn't come but they will seem very small and trivial......

Hope this explanation helped you to understand this post better. This is the way to read all the posts too.........


Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

When you talk about chanting HC or MM etc.. is it mandatory that we should do it with voice or can we also do Mansik Jap?

My earlier experience of doing like more than 3-4 malas of MM totally drains me out of energy :( so I want to know if I can chant the mantra w/o voice in my heart / mind,this way I can do more malas. Please do clarify.

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the detailed explanation it gave an understanding of some of the situations where I am going wrong