Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Me, My Guru – On anger of Lord Shiva!


Me, My Guru – On anger of Lord Shiva!

She would then give us as per our requirement – nothing more and never less! This was convenient for us in all accounts and so we had stuck to this format since long.

Coming to today’s session ‘on anger’, the class started by us giving our ‘anger points’ and her explanation of the same. At one point when she said “As anger is bad” Rahul interrupted and asked “If it is bad, how come Lord Shiva also gets angry? His anger is something that the entire Universe is afraid of and wary of facing. Shouldn’t as God He should have grown above such emotions?”

Rarely did Rahul ask questions and actually I had mentioned to Rahul and he passed on my thoughts on this subject to her. I didn’t expect her to and was little surprised by that. But not her! She smiled her classic “how do I explain to these fools or kids” smile.

“But first tell me what happens when you are angry and when do you get angry?” she asked.

“But it is not about us Guruji, it is about Lord Shiva and his anger” we said.

We all laughed. It was rare that we dodged her question so and brought her back to the question directly.

She too joined us and then said ‘fine! How many of you can tell that atleast 5 people understand you completely?’

We were silent. This question stunned us and we went mental calculating on our relationships. However close our family and friends were to us, it was hard to say that they understood us completely. We actually couldn’t come up even with couple of people “People whom you live with and who are on same platform as you find it difficult to understand you completely and you can’t say they know you completely too. How can we who hardly know anything about Lord Shiva think of understanding Him or His emotions and Acts?” she asked.

OMG! She got us there!

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