Monday, January 29, 2018

Me, My Guru – On attachments, faith and commitments....

Me, My Guru – On attachments, faith and commitments....


Guru smiled and continued with his work. In the evening they were going around the village seeking ‘bhiksha’ (sort of charity of food sought by monks who don’t own anything and decide to pursue their life in contemplation of God!). There they saw a man holding a rope that was tied to his cow. Guru showed this scene to his disciples and asked “Who is tied to whom?”

“Of course, the cow is tied to the man” replied his students beaming with self-confidence.

“Saying “now see” Guru cut the rope that was tied to the cow. The cow ran away. The man ran behind the cow asking it to come back.
“It seemed as if cow was tied to the man by the rope. But the moment it is set free, it ran away not thinking twice of that man. The man ran after the cow which was free. So, in reality it was the man who was held by the rope. He was tied to the cow. And he didn’t even need rope to be tied to cow. He was tied to it mentally.

Like-wise, mind is like that cow. It is not tied to us. We are tied to it. The moment we let the rope fall, the mind would leave us and go. But we go behind it and get tied to it again. Every emotion, thought is the by-product of this mind to which basically we are tied to. If we let go ‘off’ the mind, what say of the emotions and feelings like anger, depression, hatred, attachments, envy, inferiority complex or fear. They are not bound to us. We have bound ourselves to them “Untie the rope and let the emotion leave you”. See it happen. If you want to be bound, well then that is a different story but if you think they are bound to you so you can’t let them go, then here is the answer, fact and solution. Take it and be free of these pain inducing and limiting you attitudes!

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