Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Me, My Guru – On attachments, faith and commitments....


Me, My Guru – On attachments, faith and commitments....

She had said “let go” off your attitudes so many times...she had said ‘drop’ so times and yet....This time both those words seem to make sense. I saw what she was trying to tell all these years. Maybe, it was me all along who didn’t want to let go of the rope called ‘my attitudes’ and cited various reasons for that like ‘but you don’t know how much they ill-treated me’, ‘you don’t understand’ etc. Yes, the incident happened once and let it become mammoth size by replaying it
umpteen times in this little brain of mine. No doubt, I felt my brain would shatter if I didn’t do anything about people who were causing me this pain when in fact I was the one ‘wedded to them’ day in and day out! Surprisingly that applied to people whom I had to deal with on day-to-day basis too. Let’s say they hurt, torture or instigate me on daily basis. If I knew not to count the times they did or do this, then it was easy to deal with such a situation. But I connected various dots of such incidents and spelled it as ‘He does that always!’ or
everyone does that to me’. The moment ‘group words’ like always, everyone etc are used the pain becomes eternal. I seem to be fighting with everyone and that frustration drives me crazy. Wow! We figured this out as we discussed this among ourselves. It shut us up for quite some time. This was huge. It would take quite a long to let all this sink in. We then had to internalize all this to be able to see its effect on our
psyche, attitude, character and finally on our Destiny which reflected as ‘Life Situations’. Yes, our Guru was right when she said “You don’t need an astrologer or a star to chalk out your fate. Just take a look at your life and the situations in it to tell you who you are, what your karma was and where your Destiny is taking you or what it has in store for you”.

We talked other stuff too but who remembers after this wash-out....


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