Sunday, January 7, 2018

Me, My Guru – On anger of Lord Shiva!


Me, My Guru – On anger of Lord Shiva!

“Well, that is about killing Asura. But what about anger of Lord Shiva or God for that matter? Does it not say in every scripture – be it Gita, Bible or Khoran that ‘Both the acts of creation and destruction are mine. Wherever you see ‘natural acts’ of destruction (say earthquake, floods, tsunami etc) know that to be My Act!”. Act I heard so many people tell during discourse that it is because of his ‘kahar’ meaning anger. How can He destruct due to His anger his own creation? Why would He want to destroy His own creation?”

We all understood this question and at some point of time even had it in us, but we were afraid of receiving an answer now. Like previous part of this question even after being answered we would be left clueless. We would sit with that ‘stupid smile’ on our faces but wouldn’t have understood a word of what she explained. When I pointed it to Rahul later in the evening he said “Even that would be good! We would know that we still don’t have understanding capacity to understand these higher knowledge and that would help us in two ways. One, we would become humble and instead of blaming and pointing finger at God would atleast develop patience and faith to see how things unfold eventually and may be we would be in a better position to understand things then. Secondly, we would increase our sadhan to decrease such of qualities like fault-finding and blaming, being judgmental, being demanding and selfish and increase qualities like patience, faith, clarity of thought etc.

Next, we may not understand it now but we still would hold and carry the answers with us and as we do ‘mananam’ (chew) on this answer, bye and by its meaning would unfold to us and then wow!if we don’t seek, we’ll never know what we don’t know, don’t understand even if we know and know that we understood it now which we heard then!

Isn’t that something?”

It surely was – especially after the way he explained it!


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