Friday, January 12, 2018

Inner Peace!

Inner peace doesn't come from getting what we want...we get it by remembering who we are!

Most of our relationships fail not because of what they offer or what the personnel in that are made of fails because we are too busy pointing fingers at each other's mistakes and failures instead of spending time with each other.....

The day you are vexed of your broken dreams and failed relationships, 
the day you are fed up of being sad and in pain,
the day you decide you deserve all the happiness that you want,
STOP talking about the problems of your life and the people who are causing it....
Instead, start talking about the joys of life, beauty of your dreams and the good times of your life......and before you realize your life and your attitude has changed for good!

Inner peace is a result of years of journey that you undertake to go is not something that you get by just turning on the is not that is a mental exercise that you do everyday and your mental space is cleared little by little over the years and one day you have the mental strength and peace that no one can take away from you......if you think now is not the time, then tomorrow will not be that day when you experience the 'inner peace'....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mam,

Inner peace is a result of years of journey that you undertake to go is not something that you get by just turning on the is not that is a mental exercise that you do everyday and your mental space is cleared little by little over the years and one day you have the mental strength and peace that no one can take away from you......if you think now is not the time, then tomorrow will not be that day when you experience the 'inner peace'....

Above lines are really hard hitting .... so true.. :) Daily practice is important and essential !