Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Epics of India - Mahabharata



Vidurani is referred as wife of Vidura in Mahabharata.  Just before the start of Mahabharata war, Krishna comes to talk peace with King Dhritarashtra, but the talks fail - thanks to Duryodhan and his uncle Shakuni.

Duryodhan makes elaborate preparations in the palace for Krishna to stay.  But, Krishan refuses to stay there.  The reasons he gives for his refusal are 1. I take food served with love only and the food served by you - Duryodhana is not served with love and 2. I eat food anywhere when I am desperate for food and am on the verge of dying and now I am neither desperate or dying for want of food.  Having given these reasons, he goes to Vidura's house which was a only small house.  He was not at home as he was not expecting Krishna.  His wife Vidurani was at home and she was overwhelmed to see Krishna.  She warmly welcomed him inside the house, gave him seat to sit and went in to get something to eat.  She found only bananas at home. She brought them to Krishna and peeled them and in the excitement threw away the bananas and gave him peels.  Krishna accepted the peel and was eating them when Vidur entered the house and seeing what was happening he shouted at Vidurani for being so careless as to serve banana peel to the Lord.  Krishna stopped him and said that those were the most delicious peels he ever had!

But, when you read especially our epics, don't read them as stories of some characters and don't try to know some story or anecdote about the various characters.  Learn to see the 'Universal Law' working.  Learn it as you can easily understand through some characters and their life situations. 

For eg: With regards to Vidura's birth, it's very clear that though all three - Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidur had greatest Sage Veda Vyasa as their father - their personalities and physical well-being depended totally on the thought on their respective mothers at the time of conception and the feeling they had for the Sage.


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Saturday, November 16, 2013

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

So sweet,pure love.LOVE TO listen aBt RADHA& KRISHNA,MA SHABRIII,MA MEERAA ANTHAA bhaktiii&& pure love
Thanyou mamm..