Thursday, April 3, 2014



"The moment" she smiled and continued "of the past is over and out.  So, in all sense it is dead and gone.  However, beautiful or painful it had been, it still is dead.  It is no more.  And yet we live in the past.  As long as I am in the past, how can I experience today?  As long as I am holding on to yesterday's pain how can I experience today's joy fully? Tell me, is it possible" she asked.

I nodded my head in negative.

"Now, tell me, can you make a new beginning with the old baggage?" she enquired.

I nodded my head sideways meaning no.

"That means to welcome something new, I need to let go of all the past - good and bad and face the new with freshness that comes with nothing" she continued and

"I didn't understand that" I said with head down.

"Fine.  Look at children.  They fight, they play, they hurt themselves and sleep.  When they get up, they are like clean slates.  They don't carry yesterday's any memories.  And their energy comes from that state of mind.  And so, does their happiness.

"Yes, it's clear now" I replied "But, does this mean the new will be good and positive only if I do this way?"

She laughed and her laughter sounded like a chime of a bell.


Related Topics : Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thursday, March 5, 2009

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