Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Me, My Guru

Today, being Ugadi, I got up early and completed my routine tasks and made my way to meet my Guru.  It's believed that the way we lead our day - today i.e., the day of Ugadi - our entire year is more or less the same.

I wanted to spend major part of today with my Guru.  That way, maybe, I'll get to be with her all through the year. I was excited.  I was happy as I made my way to her place.

It was still early by most accounts and I saw her watering the plants.  This sort of surprised me!  I actually expected her to be in the midst of some elaborate religious or atleast spiritual ritual.  And here, she was watering the plants as ever - nothing new!

But to shock us was her USP! She never behaved the way we expected her to ....I've gotten used to this - a little now! 

I greeted her "Happy Ugadi Guruji".  Even without turning her head, she replied "May it be a new beginning in you."  It was a little unusual greeting and I kep silent for sometime.

Then, when she had completed watering the plants and sat down (yes, in the mud - should I add - as ever!), I raised may question.  "Why it be a new beginning in you?"

She said "I knew when you greeted me, it was full of excitement that was filled with formality - but the soul was missing .  So, I blessed you so!".

Seeing my confused look, she continued - "most of us look and live our festivals only physically.  That is we wear new clothes, cook few extra and special dishes, go to temple - maybe and that's it! It's more ritualistic  and yet we think, we have actually made good use of the day.  I am not saying it should not be so!

But, going through festival days in this mundane ritualistic way is so limiting and that to me is robotic too!  In the process, the purpose is lost."

"What then could be the purpose of Ugadi?" I asked perplexed....


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