Tuesday, April 15, 2014



But, this difference can't be easily understood by people who live for 'I, me, myself'.  How can the bliss that comes of living a righteous life be understood by those who are run by only passions and their desires?

How can one who is envious, know what it is to live for others and why it is imperative to live for others?  This, inspite of not getting any goodies in such a way of live?

How can people who are bothered only about food, clothing and shelter aim for higher causes and fight and live for it?

A simple example will elucidiate this point.  Immediately after getting Independence, India had to face huge riots, massace everywhere in the name of religion.  Can you imagine people saying "what is the benefit of this freedom?  We were better off as slaves under British.  We were atleast alive then.  Now, there is so much of bloodshed everywhere."  What would you say to such a person?

If you say, that person is right, all I can say is no one can make you see the obvious and if you see the point, I don't have to explain.....right?



Kshitija said...

I always felt it to be story and took it very easily .But now I feel what a great epic it is how brilliantly we have been told about the dharma through the characters of Mahabharata . Could you please write about draupadi

Kshitija said...

Who is draupadi

Kshitija said...

What is the secret of her birth? Why did she have 5 husbands ? Some books portray her as the culprit but most of the times they say she is the strongest lady a pativrata please tell us about her and why was she the victim of bad karma of kavravas

Kshitija said...

I.e when she asked Krishna about why she was insulted in open court by kavravas what was the sin she has commeted to go through the insult Krishna says no it's not your sin but the bad karma of kavravas is what is responsible for what u faced today why did she become a victim of their bad karma

Kshitija said...

Mam since I am not able to write the comment continiously on my phone I had to split it sorry for the inconvenience