Thursday, April 17, 2014



When Yudhistra entered heaven, he went searching for his brothers and wife Draupadi but instead he saw Duryodhan and his friends and brothers.  He was confused and asked about the whereabouts of his family members.  He was told that they were in Hell and he got really very angry and said that he wouldn't stay in heaven where the likes of  Duryodhan, shakuni were and would prefer to be in hell where his family was!

He was led to hell as requested.  There he was shocked  to see his brothers suffering the tortures of hell and he cried out in pain.  All the people present there said they found relief because of his presence and requested him to stay there longer, so that they can be relieved off their sufferings.  Yudhishtra agreed.  The moment he agreed, Lord Yama came and said "You all can go to heaven as you your sins have been paid for with your suffering."  Yudhishtra asked as to what sins they committed for which they were paying for and Lord Yama replied "you all killed your enemies with deceit and hence you have to pay for your deceit!".

Satisfied with the answer, Dharmaraj asked "then, why am I to bear this pain? and why should I experience hell?" and Lord Yama replied "though the war was fought for Dharma, the means used by you were deceitful and hence you were brought to hell by deceit.  You will receive what you give! This is the Law of Karma.  And you had lied once when during the war of Kurukshetra, you had uttered "Ashwathama hatha hatha (the second hatha you just mumbled in your mouth) kunjathaha" there by, instead of the sentence 'Ashwathama named elephant is dead' , it was understood as 'Ashwathama is dead'.  This was mistaken by Guru Drona as his son being dead and he kept down his weapons.  (As per the law of war in those days, once a person - a warrior lays down his arms he can't take it back to fight again!)  And Guru Drona was then killed by Arjuna.


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