Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Epics of India - Mahabharata


So, when the young princes came of age, Vidur was given prime- ministership when Dhritarashtra became King.  He was just, pious and righteous personified.

He loved Pandavas like his own kids and wanted them to be prosperous and happy as they were virtuous.  Pandavas also sought his opinion on important matters as they knew he wished them good and was impartial while taking any decision apart from being wise.

'Vidura Neeti' is a compilation of Vidura's Neeti which is the ultimate book on polity and Chanakya's arthashashtra is considered to be inspited by Vidura Neeti.  Even King Dhritarashtra trusted his knowledge and opinion in the matters of state and totally dependent on him to run the affairs of the state ( i.e., before Duryodhana came to control the affairs of running the state through his father started).

He was one of the few in the Rajya Sabha who was against Pandavas being waged in the gamble and also gave due counsel to King Dhritarashtra against Draupadi being brought to the court after being lost in the game of gamble by Yudhishtra to Duryodhana.  He always stood for Dharma and without fear openly and in clear words spoke about the wrongs done by others - without any partiality.

Vidura was a great bhaktha of Lord Krishna and Lord Krishna also reciprocated his love with due respect for Vidura.

As per some scriptures, Vidur is considered to be Lord Yama - Lord of Dharma, virtue and death reborn as Vidur because of a curse given to him by a Sage called Mandukya.


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