Wednesday, April 2, 2014



She began "Ugadi" means "Beginning of a yuga" and it also means "Beginning of New Era"  But, to make a new and fresh start, I need to be new, Right?"

"But, why at all I should begin something and what should I begin and what is this new me you are talking about?" I interrupted.

"The whole of the year we go through" she started explaining "ups and downs of life and at the end of the year have a heavy baggage of pain, failures, dreams shattered, hopes lost, hearts and relationships broken apart from some joy, new achievement, some new beginnings et like.  By the time "Ugadi" comes, it's one whole year which has passed by!  As Ugadi is beginning of a new year as per vedic religion.

It's timed such that it represents spring season - new leaves find their expression on the trees where old leaves have fallen off!  This is a sign from the Universe that all that is old should wither and fall off and new will find it's way in it's place.  That doesn't mean you end your present relationships and go in search of new ones! No.

But alll the memories of the past year like - she didn't do this, she did this, he said this, he didn't do this, she said this and meant so......(oh, my God the list goes on and if you make a list of them you'll know the dirty baggage we carry in our relationships) and that certainly affects our perception and no doubt this year is more painful than the last.  So, drop all that is dead and gone!"

"But, where is the relationship dead?  It certainly is not gone!  So, how do I drop it?" I asked her cutting her sentence.


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