Friday, April 18, 2014

Mahabharata - an Indian epic


Utterance of sentence that implied wrong meaning also was/is a sin which had to be paid for.  This Universal Law is beautifully brought forth by this anecdote in Mahabharata....Inspite of the fact, that this sentence was asked to be said by Lord Krishna himself.  This goes to prove that even if the Lord for the good asks you to do something wrong, do it by all means as it is his command, but YOU have to bear the consequences - nevertheless!!!

Duryodhan and his allies, however cruel they were they also committed few good deeds and so were benefitted with stay in heaven for equivalent amount of time and were later shifted to hell for the rest of their astral lives.

The rule of enjoying the fruits of ones' karma as said by Lord Yama is that one's less karma, be it good or bad is first enjoyed by the person and the fruit of bigger portion is later confined to him.  For eg. Pandavas wrong was less when compared to their punya karma and hence they were made to experience hell - the result of bad karma and then they were shifted to heaven as a fruit of their punya karma....whereas Duryodhan 's punya was less when compared to the paap i.e, sins that he had committed and hence he was allocated heaven first and then when his punya was exhausted he was shifted to hell!!!

We can also understand that both good and evil deeds have their respective repurcusions and none can escape them.


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