Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Epics of India - Mahabharata


It also goes to prove that the character of the child depends upon the feelings - like feeling of anger and helplessness in Ambika was the cause of Dhritarashtra's characater and a feeling of weakness in Ambalika and hence the weak constitution of Pandu and a feeling of gratitude and elation in maid and hence Vidura was so humble, contended and balanced.

Theory of genetics proved so beautifully and completely with all combinations.

Again in the case of Krishna rejecting Duryodhana's invitation - it clearly explains us that the Lord wouldn't be pleased with the cost of offerings.  For him, it's only love that matters and love can be experienced, given, served only and only when the intent is pure.  He knew Duryodhan's intent.  Duryodhana wanted to flatter him with his hospitality and gifts and Lord could see through that.  Lord is no fool.  He can't be fooled by our pretences.  So, with our pooja, japam, meditation.  We can fool the world to believe that we are good, pious, religious, caring and spiritual - but Lord - no way.  He sees through us and we receive fruits of our Karma based on our intent and not on our actions.

This truth has to be seen in these cases and then applied in our day-to-day life situations.  That means, instead of 'trying for good name' we should work on our intent and make and keep it pure in all our dealings - not only with Lord, but also in our worldy affairs - i.e., in our every realtionship.  If this message is not understood, applied and turned into our way of life - then mundane reading or memorising the scriptures is of no use.  Their actual purpose is lost and all the effort put in reading them becomes waste of time and energy!

(This is answer to the query as to who Vidur and Vidurani was?)

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Tyd got to know abt vidur&vidurani,
And lady saint of KANYA KUMARI,"MAYAMMA",( her bhakti,love for animals,her place,ashram)
I got only in bit,very little story,,mammm pls once any time pls can u help us to known more ant her mam(request).thank you mamm.