Thursday, April 24, 2014

Me, My Guru


I could see no problem there.  Both of them were very clearly messed up with imagination.  That's all!  Her brother wanted to do MS and was guilty of not being able to get a job?  Clear case of confusion reigning strong!  How can someone give solution to this issue?" I wondered.

My Guru smiled, patted her hands and started "Krishna said to Arjua "Even small karma finds its way to its doer and give results.  But, even I don't know as to which karma comes when, in which form and why only then? If Lord himself can't exactly say which karma we are undergoing now, how can I a simple mortal explain that?

But, one thing I know, whatever we are experiencing it's cause surely is in our past actions.  What is the purpose of knowing which karma?  Does knowing the cause of cancer make any difference in the suffering or the growth of cancer? When the answer is no, then instead of knowing why we got cancer, we should ask the question what is the cure for it and how to combat cancer now once I get it. Right?

Likewise, put your energy in facing the situation and finding a solution to it - rather than finding the reason for situaton to exist.  By trying to find the cause, we are trying to find a path in darkness and thereby want to wallow in self-pity which will give rise to anger because we are suffering and envy because others don't seem to suffer our pain.  This way our pain increases and we are deep into the quagmire of pain and suffering.  And when Dr. declares us as "Depression" patient, we find it as a support to be in that state and are rejoicing at and with this badge of Depression?  Do you want it?" she asked and her voice was stern.  It was too evident.

Radhika looked a bit shaken.  She couldn't say yes, I believe and said "no, no, i don't want that.  Tell me a way to come out of it". 


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