A German once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he asked the sculptor, "Do you need two statues of the same idol?"
"No," said the sculptor without looking up, "We need only one, but the first one got damaged at the last stage."
The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. "Where is the damage?" he asked.
"There is a scratch on the nose of the idol." said the sculptor, still busy with his work. "Where are you going to install the idol?" The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar seventy feet high.
"If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch on the nose?" the gentleman asked.
The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said, "I will know it."
The desire to excel is exclusive of the fact whether someone else appreciates it or not.
"Excellence" is a drive from inside, not outside. Excellence is not for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency...giving your best is not enough. Giving that you cannot better even if given a second chance is Honesty to the core. Honesty should not be varying depending on the situation. It is giving your 100% every time. It should be something that you give when no one is watching or noticing too!
We usually think ourselves to be honest people!
But the question is, are we? Honesty shouldn’t be relative. Honesty is with the self. Where ever you are, what ever you do, are you honest? This should be the question that drives you to perfection in everything that you do.
The simple rule would be to be Aware of the energy that we are generating with every thought, word, feel and deed every minute of our lives. The sum total of all these energies if is negative, then we are not ‘good’ people though we may term ourselves to be so. Check it out every minute. Then, we’ll understand that since we are generating something negative, we are experiencing and living negative situations in life.
We are not ‘good people’ suffering because of some X,Y,Z’s ‘nazar’ or ‘curse’. We are just suffering because of our own creations!
It’s time we honestly revamp our creations (by thought, feel, word and deed) to be living a life that we have dreamt about. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT. STOP talking about the change you wish to have in your life.
Those of US who have been complaining of the situations in life, if you are happy with it stop here and carry on your life as it is. But if you ‘honestly’ don’t want these situations in life, if you ‘honestly’ want happiness and satisfaction in life and then let us take a pledge that we’ll become more aware of our thoughts and ‘honestly’ give only the best to ourselves.
So, just for TODAY WE’LL LIVE HONESTLY AND EARN HONESTLY is an understanding that I wish to include in my learning and application in life,
As I learn to do so,
I take leave, for now
When you throw the ball on to the wall it will bounce and comes back to you.
Similarly what we think and give to the world will bounce and comes back to us.
To think positively is very IMPORTANT.
Be Honest with yourself and others - Without the ability to be honest (often brutally) with oneself and with others you will not be able to make progress with your changes.
A positive attitude not only boosts our natural immune system for better health but also by thinking positively
Striving for excellence! This is a marathon all of us have enrolled for ourselves, but the irony is we are always racing to take over others. Instead if we can spend a moment in becoming aware that my race is with my self and I am winning over myself by evolving as a better person day by day. Because I always want to be better than what I was yesterday and strive to be the best in my tomorrow. Thank you Mam and thank you Reiki with both of you in my life its exciting to be alive. That was truly awakening!
I'm keeping a check on saying only good things and being polite to everyone daily. But I haven't kept a check on thoughts or feelings, which are the root cause of the issue. Need to look into this everyday now. Thank you.
Thank you so much for writing this post mam, this is really excellent. All those who keep blowing their own trumpets, that they are good people, should read such posts and yes as Mona garu correctly said we all need to keep a check on our thoughts, feelings , intentions too apart from the physical / mechanical act that we do and keep thinking to ourselves that we are good people.
Thoughts, feelings , intentions -- Are the seeds , Physical act is just the extension of these and then the results we face post our action is the fruit which we get & later if we rejoice or cry depends on what kind of seeds (Thoughts, feelings , intentions) we have sown.
Thank you Mona garu for commenting on this, if you wouldn't have commented on this I wouldn't have seen this post on the top in comments section in right side panel.
Thank you Guruji,
Thank you Reiki.
P.S: I would request everyone who is reading old posts to comment so that others like me who follow comments section can also take the advantage to reading those old posts. If you don't feel like commenting anything may be you can just comment
"Thank you Guruji,
Thank you Reiki"
The simple rule would be to be Aware of the energy that we are generating with every thought, word, feel and deed every minute of our lives. The sum total of all these energies if is negative, then we are not ‘good’ people though we may term ourselves to be so. Check it out every minute. Then, we’ll understand that since we are generating something negative, we are experiencing and living negative situations in life.
We are not ‘good people’ suffering because of some X,Y,Z’s ‘nazar’ or ‘curse’. We are just suffering because of our own creations!
It’s time we honestly revamp our creations (by thought, feel, word and deed) to be living a life that we have dreamt about. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT. STOP talking about the change you wish to have in your life.
The above lines are the ones I would focus on today.
This post has always been my go to post .
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