Friday, December 3, 2021

On moving forward!



On moving forward!

The choice as ever my dear is yours to make!

Your choice reflects you’re either your stupidity or your sensibility.

Your choice reflects if you are creating hell or heaven for you and for your dear ones!

Your choice forces Universe to send similar energies to you!

You are the stumbling block for your abundance. You are the reason for your success and happiness in life.

Others – be it your Guru/ God/ Scriptures can only guide you and tell you right from wrong – but if you insist on eating poison for it pleases you and still complain of ‘dying’ sorry dear no one can help you there!

So I repeat, choose for your own good!

But the question is ‘do you work for your good?’

‘Do you know your good?’

The way you have run your life reflects your answer. The answer can help you to decide right at least this time – hopefully!



# Destiny and fate, creating a beautiful tomorrow, creating life and future, beautiful life, energies, feelings and emotions, you are what you create, you are stumbling block in your life, be the change you want to see in your life, let go off past

I find these old posts so fresh even today.....did the reader get it then? If not, may be he will get it now?
Did the reader THINK it got it then? And yet, this time it gives out a different perspective and is addressing the burning issue at hand..???? think about it.....
Answers were always there for us - it was US who didn't look for it or didn't understand it or didn't know how to apply it or didn't apply in all areas in which it could have been applied....
revisiting these posts opens all these possibilities to the one who is eager to walk this path - to understand his pain, cause of his suffering, root of his suffering and means to overcome them - once and for all........

Healing technique suggested : 
  • Re-birth meditation
  • Pranayamam
Do atleast for 3-7 days whenever a certain healing technique is suggested......
things don't happen overnight......but, every drop maketh an keep doing and being in sadhan........

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