Sunday, December 5, 2021

Milestone moment - 273 posts so far!



Milestone moment - 273 posts so far!

How do we see this incident?

Just as completion of some set number of posts. No! That wouldn’t mean much. If you see it in comparison to the 393 – the maximum posts in all these years, then this looks like a failure. But if you see it as a milestone that has crossed all the lower milestones before this, you’ll appreciate the amount of work I did EVEN this year by way of writing and sharing. The goals are good. They help us concentrate and know the direction we should work towards. They help us to encourage and chase the target. But that doesn’t mean we beat ourselves till we reach the ‘said target’. No before reaching the final target, we’ll cross smaller targets and let’s celebrate them too.

This is not about this post and this blog at all! This is just a metaphor. We are using this occasion in this blog to see and understand our said perspective. And that when understood and applied henceforth will certainly bring about the change that we are so looking forward to.

So, how do we use this and where do we apply it?

Simple! Instead of seeing how many wishes are to be fulfilled and keep cribbing about it, take time to count the blessings in our life.

Next, instead of finding fault in the ‘said person’ see the good qualities he/she has. That quality may not be reflected towards you but yet, look at it and appreciate it. Finding fault and always talking ill of the other to one and all is a negative quality. And no good can come out of the negativity. Look within. Own up your flaws instead of always pointing fingers at the other.

Look at all the work that can be done instead of what is not done.


# milestones, celebrating the journey, goals and achievements, happiness, living life completely, abundance, moments of life, 

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