Sunday, September 20, 2020

Thanks through sadhan.......

Thanks through sadhan.......

its been couple of weeks since we started this 'thanks through sadhan' weekend programme or sadhan......

if it is seeming to be too demanding and exhausting, i'll stop it for now and will resume it as and when you people are ready for it - whenever it is......

let me know - no need to explain all your limitations - just a simple 'let's take it up later' or lets continue' is enough of an answer......

will wait just couple of days before taking a decision........


Aarthi said...

Thank you mam,done my chanting.
I like to b in sadhna. mam tyd again i felt u have sent ur blessings ,who have chanted.( thank you mam)

Last time i didnt know u were sending reiki mam,tat day i was chanting MM & I WAS very happy ,,peacefully,i was standing infront of BABA& REIKI GURU photo,when i touched guru Ji photo,so much of energ & vibrations vundee mamm,thank you mamm.

Kshitija said...

I want to share some of my experiences through this chanting .
> Thank you for this healing because I am able to send reiki to all the people and things I wanted to send since long.
> When the sessions started I felt heavy but as the weeks passed it started getting better and better .
> I am comfortable with the healing and this healing has unlocked many doors hidden in me .
> There are lot of understandings happening which I was not able to understand previously.
> I am able to read the blog and literature in a different way .
> I realized the mistake in the way I think about certain aspects of my life .
> Antidote method is working well.
Thank you for these wonderful healing sessions that u have started through this blog.
Please please please let us have some more healings like this .