Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets


Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

53 Water Reflection Quotes That Will Enlighten You | Antimaximalist

There was silence. It was heavier than acceptable. We were processing all that she said again in our brains. What little we understood also seemed too heavy to process. It hit us – hit us hard enough to wake us up from the slumber.

76 Most Powerful Mindfulness Quotes: Your Daily Dose of Inspiration
And she had been asking us to ‘let go’ all these years to this end. And so, she asked to heal ourselves. We with our immediate agenda wanted to heal to fix our material needs only. But, she was working on us to see that we tap to our ‘light bodies’ that could drive away all our problems once and for all!

We used a technique. She knew its uses, effects and all of it. We wanted short term effects. She worked on long term benefits.

Quotefancy: Wallpapers With Inspirational Quotes
“So, Buddha lived ‘a Truth’ before saying it aloud and that’s why his words were so effective. He himself let go and only then suggested others to do so!” said Rahul summarizing the answer.

135+ Loyalty Quotes and Sayings - Inspirational Stories, Quotes & Poems
“So we can’t or shouldn’t give advice to others till we become Buddha's?” asked Vaishnav irritated for next reason now.

Today, I saw what she had been telling all these years. Your anger, conditions etc finds an excuse to express themselves. You don’t get angry at people or situations for whom or what they are! You use situations and people to project your anger! 

He, our Vaishnav would get angry at everything, well mostly everything she said.


# let go, on receiving and giving advice, honesty, character, ego, 

read the posts related on rose plant to understand how giving is right only when given without any conditions attached to it......

Pointer about this post :  

  • "We used a technique. She knew its uses, effects and all of it. We wanted short term effects. She worked on long term benefits..." - This shows how the giver should know when to give, how to give, how much to give, why to give and when not to give and whom not to give.....all this qualities in a person makes his giving effective.....
  • "He, our Vaishnav would get angry at everything, well mostly everything she said..." - few of us must have noticed how we get irritated at very small things also when it comes from a certain person. Why, have you wondered about it? Have you sat in meditation to understand this? Logical mind will spin tales that will justify our emotions and reactions giving various incidents as examples and valid reasons for us to behave so.......trust me, that is the smartness of this mind. That's how it can keep us engaged with our suffering. That is its agenda. Don't fall for it! Go beyond mind! Meditate to go beyond mind! As long as we put strength in mind, it will drag us to hell. Don't fall for it! Outsmart it! You are not doing this for any Guru, God or Reiki. You owe yourself some peace. Meditate and see the workings of your mind! Drop it and become free of your anger and pain.......
Reiki Work Time : 

Make a list of people who have helped you, reached out to you, stood by you since the time you remember! It can be a physical help -
a.When they helped with your shifting or so
b.When they served food when sickness visited your home or so
It can be for giving you emotional, financial or psychological help. Though you would've returned the money which they had lent in times of need, maybe even with interest, still you owe them.
You gave or returned them when you had excess and what was theirs. But they gave in times of your need. You've given the amount, but could you return the 'need which their help fulfilled'? So you owe them inspite of having returned the money....remember that...
Someone who has let you pay later for their service which you used first...some times we pay others after months or years later and yet when we pay them we pay as if out of pain, as if we are doing them a favour by paying them their due, we think they are getting so much of money from us and we are losing money.....these thoughts are cause of 'karma' that stops abundance from entering your life.......imagine your boss crying or abusing you every time you are paid your salary?
Ok, now coming to the list....make the list of all these people ....
All these lists we are coming up with, preferably do it in your reiki journal leaving two pages after every list so that you can add the names you have forgotten now, later ......and you can also add the new names that would enter your life in future.......

Thought for the week : 
In the end, it's you against you. Fighting for yourself!


Supriya said...

Another frequency match!

After doing the exercise for teachers, I was thinking about people who have helped me in many ways - big and small. I thought, although they aren’t labeled as teachers but still I have learned a lot from them. For example: people who did everything possible to save my life, they did it without asking and unconditionally, and taught me the lesson of humanity. There were many others who were in my life for brief moments but had left a liberating idea or thought. People who hurt me also left happiness and content behind, for me. I was thinking that I should do Reiki for all of them at some point.

I am glad you came up with the plan, Ma’am. It feels like you were listening to my thoughts. Now there won’t be any delay. I will start working on it.


Aarthi said...

Thank you mam.Thanks you,got my answer.

Mona said...

Thank you Ma'am. It's crystal clear now. 🙏