Saturday, November 30, 2024

On Spring cleaning – The task of the sadhan for November 2024 – demystified


On Spring cleaning – The task of the sadhan for November 2024 – demystified

What does all this cleaning teach us?

How is cleaning related to healing?

How to relate cleaning to healing?

Refer all previous posts on sadhan for Novemeber to understand better. 

We have kept our experiences, emotions and feelings bottled up in so many various places that we feel suffocated and filled. No doubt, we don’t feel airy (free).

We feel cramped. We feel suffocated.

But when we sit in meditation and look at our hurt (here I have taken one emotion to explain. You can take any other emotion – the lesson is the same for all) we realize we have ‘pains’ that we gathered over the years and janmas too – if we dig deep enough.

Again, when we look closely at our various pains and hurts, we’ll realize they all had the same base and reason. The result was we played the ‘victim card’ in most cases or situations in life.

But, if we just sort those experiences right and look at them objectively we may realize that others behaving so was their nature (and they’ll bear karma for the same) but feeling victimized was our ‘choice’. We can still choose to ‘go free’ from that feeling. We can release ourselves from our guilt and shame.

We rearrange our thoughts, set right our emotions and lo, we have emptied ourselves of unnecessary clutter of painful emotions that we had been carrying all these years.

Cleaning the house is much more than sweeping and mopping.

Declutter your thoughts.

Set right your emotions, and bam – clarity of thought has increased dramatically – way to go!

Go clean – inside out!


What did you learn this time via cleaning your house?

What did you understand about cleaning?

How do you feel at the end of this month about yourself and your home?

How to apply this in healing?

also read


Friday, November 29, 2024

Achievements of November 2024


Achievements of November 2024

Go back to see the targets set for November 2024.

How many have you reached?

What are the other miracles that stopped at your door?

What are your wow moments of November 2024?


Sadhan for the December 2024


Sadhan for the December 2024

We have come to the end of the year.

It seems just like yesterday when we started this year. We had a sadhan plan for every month this year and few of you even completed it. kudos to that!

This last month, let’s wrap it up with a bang!

This month the sadhan is going to be a bit lengthy.

a.      Do homam daily. Those who can do only once, even then do it that way. The last best option would be do it at least 7 times per week. You can do 2 times for 3 days and just once on the fourth and it is considered as sadhan complete for that week.

b.     Watch either sunrise or sunset. Don’t listen to songs. Don’t be on the phone. Just watch. If you can’t watch it in your area for any reason, then watch the sky. The minimum time limit is 15 minutes. Do it at least 5 times per week.

c.      Take out those sarees (ladies) that you don’t wear much (especially the grand ones) and wear them at least 2-3 times a week. If you can’t wear it to your office (though that would be ideal) come home and wear it for say 1-2 hours at home. Those at home, get out of that nighty and wear something grand at least in the evening for 1-2 hours and be with it. For men who are staying at home wear what you think as the official dress – at least evenings 1-2 hours. Those who are going to the office, wear your favourite attire to the office. (I hope I am clear here)

d.    Chant “any mantra” for a minimum of 10mts 2-3 times per week.

e.      Do something which is dear to you – it can be playing music, listening to music, gardening, reading a book, playing a game, watching TV, go watch that movie you had wanted to, meet a friend, go to someone’s place you wanted to since long…I am sure you got the idea here. Do this at least once a week this month.

f.       Write all your wow moments of this year.

g.    Write all your achievements and targets reached this year.

h.     Write your personal growth story.

i.       2-3 times a week meditate for a minimum of 10mts.

I know the list is long but all doable. Trust me, just break it into portions and you’ll be able to see it for yourself.

Those who do the entire list – share at the end of the month/weekly.

Those who can do only the part – share at the end of the month/weekly.

You don’t owe anyone any explanation.

It’s your choice and your journey.

And last but not the least, tell me how was the blog journey this year? Good ones and bad ones and ones in between too.

Your feedback will benefit you – for they will decide the quality of the blog for next year.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Spring cleaning - TV rack



Spring cleaning - TV rack

So you see it is just not about cleaning the house.

It is just a small exercise that reflects where we have grown, where we still need to work and where and why we lack a few things and abilities in our life.

Is it clear now?

What is clear now?

There is a marked connection between who you are, your sadhan, your healing and its effect on your lives.

Sadhan and healing though are related to spirituality they very powerfully impact every aspect of our life – the smallest of our acts too are governed by who we are!

As I always say “Bhogi hone ke liye bhi yogi hona zaroori hai”

“Even to enjoy this World, you need to be detached from it”

If the connection is clear, what are you waiting for?

Start cleaning the self – the mind where we reside mostly!

You know the various drills – right?



# spring cleaning, cleaning, healing, outer world reflection of inner world, change self and see the World change, heal self, healing the World, 

read suggested 

What is the whole exercise do to you?

How did you go about with this sadhan?

What did you gain?

What did you lose?

What is the moral of the story?

Experiences, understandings, observations if any.....


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Spring cleaning - TV rack



Spring cleaning - TV rack

So what does that tell us?

One thing that pleases us loses its sheen in our eyes (only) a few days or weeks later.

Our tastes and preferences change with time – i.e., if the person is normal and growing (in any direction).

“Those who don’t change are like puddles of water that are breeding grounds of harmful bacteria and everything that is harmful to everyone”.

That change is because as we face life, people and situations, we take it’s impact on us. That is what is called psychic impressions. These psychic impressions then create new thought processes and belief systems. That’s why our responses, tolerance, acceptance, tastes in short everything about us changes.

When a person is leading a life without awareness and knowledge of ‘self’ then the change is towards bitterness – most of the time.

But, if the person is aware of the Universal Law of karma and sadhan (of any kind) then his sadhan coupled with his knowledge of the law of karma heals his psychic impressions over time. That causes him to become a better person. This is reflected in the way he addresses people in his life. It also shows in the way he responds to situations in his life now. It is evident in his way of conducting himself and is obvious in the way he does his day-to-day activities too!

His tastes and preferences change.


# spring cleaning, cleaning, healing, outer world reflection of inner world, change self and see the World change, heal self, healing the World, 

read suggested 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Spring cleaning - TV rack


Spring cleaning - TV rack

It was time to clean the TV rack. It is just a small rack or shelf as one would call it. yet, it takes 3-4 hours every time I sit to clean it. not because of the size – it is because of multiple small decorative pieces kept on that!

Every time, I rearrange them. And to do that I keep changing their places multiple times to get that ‘perfect now’ feel!

Isn’t it both odd and fascinating that it feels ‘right’ every time and yet the next time it demands change?

But this time, it was over in less than 30 mts and the result – very satisfying – to me of course!

So what does that tell us?

One thing that pleases us loses its sheen in our eyes (only) a few days or weeks later.

Our tastes and preferences change with time – i.e., if the person is normal and growing (in any direction).


# spring cleaning, cleaning, healing, outer world reflection of inner world, change self and see the World change, heal self, healing the World, 

read suggested 

Monday, November 25, 2024

On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series


            On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series

m.     The good news is as wrong deeds come back in our life during “bad times”, our good deeds also come back – WITHOU FAIL in our life – for SURE!

n.     Good deeds include charity, selfless acts, being there for someone, helping someone, choosing right over pleasant, right life-style and habits, right attitude and character and above all sadhan.

o.     So don’t wait for “bad times” to come to do some “good actions” like charity, sadhan, etc.

Do as much as you can every single day of your life.

That way increase your credit of good deeds. This is the only way to run away from pain when you are afraid of facing the consequences of your past actions.

So you see we are not “shaming others” for their wrong deeds. How can we? We don’t have that right! We are not entitled to that power! We are just using their life situations as road maps and understanding to read and understand the “laws of the Universe” clearly.

We are raising our trust in the function of these Laws of the Universe.

That way we become smart players in playing the “The Game of the the life”!



# real life situations, karma, fate and destiny, you receive what you give, 






Sunday, November 24, 2024

On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series



            On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series

e.      No wrong committed by us is ever forgotten by the Universe. It comes back in our life – maybe after 100 lifetimes – but it does. 

    in the case of DHRITARASHTRA –

f.     Every act hides within it both positive and negative results. There is no act that has only good impact. So, even when good is done for others, the little harm done through the same returns to us and that is also to be borne by us. KUNTI CURSES KRISHNA

g.      When the act is done with the right intent and as per DHARM, then even the curse is used by the Divine to do some greater good. This same act or karma makes the person rise above the normal.

Our choices decide our fall or rise!

The right choice takes us towards our “Divine hood”.

h.     Nobody is above the “Law of Karma”

i.      With purity, simplicity and innocence, the impact of karma is reduced by the sadhak.

J.  The karma that binds is the “very thing” that frees us from all our karmas too!

k.    Being afraid of getting to face the consequences of our karma if we choose to “not act” – then even that comes under “karma”. We have to bear “that” consequence too! So, either way, we need to bear the consequences. Then why not learn to do karma in such a way that it becomes a way to redeem us of our ‘past karmas’?

l.     See carefully how a certain karma comes back in others’ lives. (But always remember Karma doesn’t come back the same way for everyone). We’ll see that a person’s wrong catches up with him – sooner than later.

So, we need not carry any grudge or wish that they be punished. Become free from seeking revenge. Walk towards peace. You deserve it if you are the one wronged!

Next, most important if some karma has come back in others’ lives, it would in ours too – for sure! So, when things don’t go or work our way – bear it with poise. Know it to be some past getting healed or catching up now. Use reiki techniques to reduce or mitigate the pain that comes to us bearing past karma.

Since every deed is limited in “portion size” bad times don’t last forever.


# real life situations, karma, fate and destiny, you receive what you give, 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series



On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series

Now coming to the first point – how karma impacts our lives and how it shapes our future – this case study is ‘practical lessons’ that we have taken from others’ lives. The Intelligent ones learn from their mistakes.

A wise man learns from others’ lives and mistakes.

And a fool thinks he doesn’t need to learn as he already knows it all!

How to understand these case studies:

1.    We are not here to judge others with these case studies. That’s why no name is given in these studies.

2.     My motto is not to malign their character or name. I would’ve given names if it was so! Many of these people are not even Reiki channels(RC). None of them you would meet in life. Such are the cases that are given to you – well, mostly.

3.     This exercise is not that you complain or malign or question some person’s acts or character

4.     By seeing how karma impacts or comes back into someone’s life, we’ll become more aware of how “The Law of Karma” works. Here I’ll point out a few points to you:

a.     Every wish comes true: it’s just that it may take janmas to be fulfilled.

b.     Our wish may come in any form –

c.      Even a small attitude will face its consequences accordingly –

d.     The person with wrong intent even if blessed with the boon ends up meeting his doom because of it.

Boon in our case can be a post, position, material wealth, beauty and so on – BASMASURA– 



# real life situations, karma, fate and destiny, you receive what you give,