Sunday, November 24, 2024

On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series



            On understanding Karma in real-life situations Series

e.      No wrong committed by us is ever forgotten by the Universe. It comes back in our life – maybe after 100 lifetimes – but it does. 

    in the case of DHRITARASHTRA –

f.     Every act hides within it both positive and negative results. There is no act that has only good impact. So, even when good is done for others, the little harm done through the same returns to us and that is also to be borne by us. KUNTI CURSES KRISHNA

g.      When the act is done with the right intent and as per DHARM, then even the curse is used by the Divine to do some greater good. This same act or karma makes the person rise above the normal.

Our choices decide our fall or rise!

The right choice takes us towards our “Divine hood”.

h.     Nobody is above the “Law of Karma”

i.      With purity, simplicity and innocence, the impact of karma is reduced by the sadhak.

J.  The karma that binds is the “very thing” that frees us from all our karmas too!

k.    Being afraid of getting to face the consequences of our karma if we choose to “not act” – then even that comes under “karma”. We have to bear “that” consequence too! So, either way, we need to bear the consequences. Then why not learn to do karma in such a way that it becomes a way to redeem us of our ‘past karmas’?

l.     See carefully how a certain karma comes back in others’ lives. (But always remember Karma doesn’t come back the same way for everyone). We’ll see that a person’s wrong catches up with him – sooner than later.

So, we need not carry any grudge or wish that they be punished. Become free from seeking revenge. Walk towards peace. You deserve it if you are the one wronged!

Next, most important if some karma has come back in others’ lives, it would in ours too – for sure! So, when things don’t go or work our way – bear it with poise. Know it to be some past getting healed or catching up now. Use reiki techniques to reduce or mitigate the pain that comes to us bearing past karma.

Since every deed is limited in “portion size” bad times don’t last forever.


# real life situations, karma, fate and destiny, you receive what you give, 

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