Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Me, my Guru – on forgiveness and punishment



Me, my Guru – on forgiveness and punishment

The farmer asked the question “Gurudev, I’ve devotedly come to you since ages and yet I suffered this injury to my leg en route to your place. Whereas, my friend talks ill of God and still he received a diamond. Please tell me why this happened so?”

Guru smiled and replied “As per your karma you were to be bitten by a cobra and were to die today. Because of your Shraddha in me and sadhan, you just received a small injury to your leg. Whereas your friend was to receive a bag of diamonds as per his destiny. Because of his attitude, apshabd (talking ill of others and here about God and Guru) he received only a small diamond.

People can’t SEE what is in store as per their destiny. They can’t SEE what SHOULD HAVE happened. They notice only that which happened and jump to conclusions. They tag it as right or wrong depending on how things are supposed to be. When you see an incident don’t connect it with how it was supposed to unfold based on your expectations and desires. Because things don’t unfold that way. They happen because of your past karma which we term as ‘destiny’. You don’t know ‘what worst luck’ your ‘bad luck’ saved you from. If a person is in sadhan, then know for sure that even the ‘supposed bad’ that happened is the result of your sadhan. It has protected you from the ‘actual destiny’ that you were walking towards. When this ‘trust’ develops, respect for the Guru and technique also come. Till then, just be in sadhan knowing ‘Everything happens for good’. No sadhan however small goes waste says Lord Krishna in Bhagvat Gita. He can’t be wrong, right?” my Guru ended her explanation with a chuckle.


# me my Guru series, importance of sadhan, grace, healing, destiny, fate, changing fate, 

also read previous post on this topic 

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