Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!


In continuation of ...........https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/09/me-my-guru-working-of-karma-noted-in.html 


Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!

Our Guru continued with explaining how karma dealt with people giving us some case studies. "II case: In a certain family, the eldest son was not liked by anyone except the father. So, when the father died, they made him sign a will relinquishing his rights. Years rolled by. His mother suffered multiple surgeries and was bedridden for 2 years. Her daughter whom she considered the whole world didn’t come to even see her once. Her second son at 70 yrs is working to run the family. All the riches washed away faster than they received. They experienced only poverty. What’s the use of usurping others' rights? You’ll end up not being able to enjoy a penny of it.

Such are the cases and many more too! Whenever I see, if I wait for 10-20 years, I see karma coming back. People pay back. Some realize and repent. Many don’t. those who repent change for the better. Their attitudes get transformed and they would’ve developed some very good divine qualities and lost or diluted their asuric nature. Others who don’t realize this suffer more and more.

They become more bitter and amass so much negativity from people in their lives. They become so lonely. They lived in hell! Because they don’t realize karma doesn’t get healed or exhausted in spite of having faced the consequences. They sow more karma with resentment and bitterness. The vicious cycle continues and that is ‘living in hell endlessly’! 


# me, my guru series, karma, you receive what you give, fate and destiny, destiny, as you sow so you reap, everything happens for a reason, 

read suggested https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2019/07/blessing-that-turned-into-curse-me-my_27.html 

read the complete link to understand many aspects of karma....

come back with your understandings, observations and your feelings...

what did you understand from the case study?

On Comment: further to https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/09/me-my-guru-working-of-karma-noted-in_0700808946.html?showComment=1728390305654 comment of Mona, this post addresses that question......

also read https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2014/04/mahabharata.html the complete link to get the answer .......

others can share your experiences and observations if any on same.....

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