Saturday, April 15, 2023

Small efforts make big changes possible!


Small efforts make big changes possible!

Raindrops may be little in shape and size but their continuous fall makes a river overflow. Never underestimate small consistent efforts. Remember, small consistent efforts have the power to make massive changes in life…

Maybe, your goal is huge. It is big and seems impossible to reach. Instead of seeing the size of your goal that needs to be achieved, break the goal into small viable and doable bits. Then work on each ‘doable bit’ one at a time. And before long, you would start seeing results. You’ll would find yourself closer to your goal than you would have assumed in that given time frame!

This is applicable to physical targets like – exercise, healthy changes, cleaning, doing any job etc….

Healing also can be broken to smaller targets that can be worked on…

Apply it in any area of you need and get back with your results… inspire others with your stories…..


# small changes, change, effort, determination, seeing results, goal setting, achieving goals

previous read suggested:       

if you can't read the entire link then read just the one given below:

1 comment:

Mona said...

Financial healing miracle:

I wanted to share with you my recent experience with financial healing.
One day, out of the blue, I got a call regarding a consulting offer. I have a tendency to not respond to such calls, but the person was persistent. After a few calls, I asked him to send an email and dint even see the email for a week. He kept asking me to check, and when I did, I was shocked to see the amount mentioned for just an hour long call. Just to ensure it wasn't a typo, I asked him to mention the amount in Rs instead if dollars, it was really high - almost a months salary for most people. I still dint believe the offer but sat for the call nevertheless.

After the call, they thanked me for my advice and I received the amount within a couple of weeks. I was still shocked! Reiki answers your prayers in ways you can never imagine.

Much later I realised that I had cleared a due just before receiving their offer. This is very important to understand. You get what you receive, ten fold. If you dont clear your dues on time, dont expect to get your due/worth on time. If you think by cheating someone you can save, you actually end up losing ten fold somewhere else. Money can help you lead a physically comfortable life, but no such comfort is worth it, if you are tormenting the soul in the process.

This is a reminder for my fellow reiki channels to be with financial healing and let it shower the miracles on you.

Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.

- Mona