Thursday, April 13, 2023

Reflections – On change and growth



Reflections – On change and growth

So, since it is a ‘compulsory question’ that we need to answer in life’s exams, it’s better we equip ourselves with ways to deal with it.

The body doesn’t need much training. A little change in dietary habits and a little exercise should do the trick – well, most of the time. It’s the mind we need to address!!!

So, bring out all your forgotten techniques and sharpen them. Put them to good use. Let’s heal by taking any one fear, dislike or so and start healing for 5 days from today. Use any technique as per the course you’ve done.

Then wait! Notice your way of dealing with a similar situation for the next 15 days. Get back with your experience.

May you outgrow your pain and fear – at least a small part of it for now!



# on change, change and growth, every change has some good in it, on impermanence, change is for real, on life, 

read suggested: 

Read the complete post of the above given link.....

Points to ponder:

  • When change is, life is. Where life is beauty is, growth is. Imagine being how you are, what you are for ever. Then you will have your children as they are, they will never grow. If you don't have children, then you never will, for you don't want change to happen in your life. Now, apply the same to every aspect of life and see how you wanting things to be as they are will have an impact on your life.....
  • Now the question is "Do you really don't want change not to happen?"

Questions to work on:

  • Now for some real homework - What are the changes you have found in yourselves - before and after Reiki? Was change pleasant? Was it beneficial at the end?

1 comment:

Mona said...

12th April 2023 - Light circle

Thank you for the light circle. With every light circle session I feel more tuned with the energy. Felt very peaceful and calm throughout, this time.
- Mona