Saturday, February 25, 2023

Reflections - Life, a puzzle?



Reflections - Life, a puzzle?

Now, with this understanding when I look back at life, then the way things worked out gets a new perspective altogether. Now, everything seems to be ‘right’. It may have been painful, uncomfortable, displeasing, and not to my liking and yet it was the ‘right thing’ that happened. Because now I see ‘the big picture’ emerging.

If this be the case of the past, is it not the same with the present too? Whatever I am undergoing – though painful and not to my expectation, would it not be right for the future to unfold itself? So, life and its situations are just about unfolding itself, layer by layer, bit by bit in time so that the ‘picture’ forms itself on its own – in time!

So, you see, it was never about me!!! It was always about the big picture. Now, from this perspective when I view things of the past and of the present, ‘whatever happens, it’s right’ is understood well!

So, does that goes to say that "Life is a puzzle, unravel it?" right???

Get back with your feedback!!!



# life is beautiful, on life, life is a puzzle, mystery of life, meaning of life, purpose of life, everything happens for a reason, everything that happens happens for good, 

previous read suggested:    



the question you have is answered in one of these links.......go find them....

Questions addressed and points made:

  • Life can be lived forwards and understood backwards only....
  • Life may not make sense while it is happening but at a later day, most of the things find an explanation to validate their happening......
  • Life is beautiful even when not understood.
  • Live life, let understanding to God or the Creator.
  • To understand we need to have basic qualifications of having overgrown few of our traits like hatred, ego, doubt, laziness, selfishness, manipulative nature and so on. We also need to develop few of the essential qualities like love (that is pure and selfless), selflessness, purity, honesty, commitment, discipline, faith, patience and so on.....
  • Let's first work on gaining the qualities required and losing qualities harmful for us and then understanding will happen on its own.....
  • Why is this thing happening/not happening in my life?

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

I am 66 years of Age and still continue to hv the enthusiasm for life thats kept me going and moving on 😇💖... Given half a chance I still will jump for a Himalayan trek... and it was interesting to reflect and rewind the clock on the years that went by...
Life for me has been more of a Song than a Puzzle...
Not everything went to plan...
Many times there was no plan even though an undercurrent of purpose was present...
I failed more than I succeeded.. and I enjoyed both...
There were good, bad, sad & ugly moments...
There were cheers and tears...
But everything was meant to be there with a purpose... some I understand & some I still work to understand...
But nothing was out of place or a coincidence... & it's no coincidence I am a Reiki channel...
I can see where & when I shed or let go of some negative traits to savour some amazing blissful and spacious moments..
I realized the hard way - "You can't enter the River Twice"...
It's all a learning process all the way...
And so it will continue to be, all the way...
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏