Friday, November 14, 2014



You see ‘the period of rest’ is at work in the entire universe. After flowering period comes autumn when the trees shed their leaves bare them and it is rejuvenating time for the nature to create again.

Sun, starts after expanding for millions of years – start contracting and finally die out. The entire world – universe expands and contracts – that is day and night of universe. We too expand during day (don’t worry not literally!) i.e., go out into the world and reach out to the things of the world. We expand. At night, during sleep we go within and nothing then matters. Bank balance, relationships, social and political issues – nothing matter – we experience only peace and bliss – because we contract into our selves – but since it is not filled with ‘consciousness’ – it is tamasic in nature – but contact we do for sure!

Imagine – at night due to darkness, as if the entire universe is trying to go within, trying to find the self, contracting within and in contraction finds peace, contentment and bliss. How ironic!

And we thought we could have them in expansion and hence went ahead with all the achievements into the world seeking them – when in actuality it was within. Night is a remainder of this Truth – on daily basis.  A remainder to go within – seek self.

The body repairs itself at night – scientifically also proven. It digests the food and gets ready to face the day again. Something like ‘maintenance of aircraft, train etc’ after it’s allotted flight.

In short, it’s about bringing balance in the creation. But, as you can see in the outer world, the eco-system, character, attitudes, everything is degenerating and Dharma losing its hold and when this pollution or imbalance of energy goes way beyond the corrective limits, the Lord out of his immense ‘Love’ absorbs the entire creation into ‘Himself’ which is called ‘Night of the Lord’ – the MahaPralaya.

Something like ‘no more moves possible’ state in ‘solitaire game in computer’. Then all you do is click ‘do you want to play this game again/ or play different game?’ option. Then the game is wiped from screen and game started/new game introduced on to screen. This is exactly how we can imagine ‘the deluge and the great deluge’.


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