Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The art of asking questions

The art of asking Question

Dear ones,

As you know, I write this blog to facilitate your understanding of ‘self’. And this starts with the enquiry – enquiry into the nature and character of things, People and above all self – i.e., the mind of ‘self’. I try my best to answer your queries. And some of you don’t want your names or query published – fine – but yet your query is addressed.

If you think ‘his questions’ are answered in detail’, then instead of seeing ‘who is asking’ look at ‘how he is asking’ – I mean the wordings of the question. That’s why, I usually refer ‘comment dt: …….’ And then explain the question. This is to bring your notice to the question and then let you see how it’s answered. Answer does depend totally on the question. I’ve explained it so many times to you. Infact, the I dg. Class starts with my explanation ‘how to ask what you want to ask’ and I stress the importance of ‘right way of asking question’. It just doesn’t come to us. It’s an art. Yes, asking the right question the right way is an art and like any art takes years of practice to make it perfect. And so, I encourage you to ask questions here. So, that you develop that great art. Because, at the end of the day, success/failure, peace/confusion rests totally on the question asked.

For start instead of asking simply ‘explain XXX’ see the way it can be asked in such a way to get the detailed answer. Look at posts which are explained in detail ad associate them with their query. Learn – otherwise, our entire exercise is waste.

Don’t be shy or afraid of asking – but be humble to learn – to seek and above all be available to learning. Imagine a situation where the following questions are posed and imagine the resultant response too –

1.       Are you angry?

2.       I see you are angry, what can I do to dissipate it?

3.       This anger is eating into our relationship, what do we do to go through this situation calmly and to just experience this issue?

Will there not be difference in the response to above 3 questions? Both the parties involved are same in all the situation yet response is different in all situation – reason – the question.

Likewise, my answer depends on your questions. See, read and learn. This is very important attitude that one should develop to grow in life.

And yes, when your question is answered, I wouldn’t mind reading atleast ‘understood’ as your  feedback in the comments section.

Yes, I sometimes I choose to explain from your comments that you post explaining your understanding – eg. Aparna’s comment dt.Tuesday, August 26, 2014 and the result are the posts dt.October 19,2014 to October 29, 2014.  So, your sharing of your experience may also help you in getting clarity further on the subject. So write (in the comments section)

Keep enquiring, keep learning and keep growing……..

All the best for the same.

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