Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thanks through sadhan...


Thanks through sadhan.....

Let's thank people who have give us essential services all through their lives to make our lives easier and comfortable........

Take the list you have already written in your journal and place it in front of you. Start your reiki and send to the list and chant 10 malas of "Sree Rama Rama Ramethi Rameh nameh ithi" ......

this shloka is found in Vishnu sahasranama.....

you can increase or decrease the number of malas as per your desire and convenience.....

you can chant in one go or do it taking breaks through the day....

those who wish to do more number of times but find it difficult because of other avocations can do it in next 2-3 days........

this way we are sending our thanks to these people for the services which we had already received......this was something due from us which we are giving to them now.....'intelligent and logical minded people - don't expect some returns for doing this .....

any one not willing to do for any reason, you need not do - just don't explain or give any reason to justify not doing........

there is no compulsion so no foul, no harm ......

the same rules will apply for all the 'thanks sadhan ' which we will be undertaking for next couple of weeks.....i'll not repeat the same thing again and again......

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Thank you for clarifying about the mantra on the following post ma’am.!

I finished chanting the mantra for the decided number of malas. While chanting I realized that there are many more people involved in providing necessities to me and my family. May they and their families be blessed with even more comfort than what they provide to others. May they meet their needs effortlessly and have a happy and healthy life.

Thank you for setting this goal for me ma’am. These exercises give a bigger purpose to my sadhan and allow me to thank the universe.

Love and light!