Friday, September 25, 2020

Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru



Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru

Virtue developed just for the sake of virtue raised a man to his Godhood even without his desire to become one!

Virtue was not a coupon to be encashed for material benefits. It is an investment towards our growth. Even a small act of virtue practiced gives immense satisfaction, happiness, contentment and peace. Every small act of virtue makes way for the man to claim his ‘Kingdom of heaven’. And no good act goes wasted!

As Rahul explained all this, we had goose bumps. We felt we had wasted our entire life arguing with silly reasoning that clouded our perceptions. But, we also knew ourselves. Even after being floored we would go back to our hatred, anger and arguments. We still would justify our emotions and actions with some day to day incidents to support them!

Our road wasn’t long. We made it so by choosing ‘not to walk it’ for our various reasons best generated by us! 


# monk and the scorpion story, story on forgiveness, being self, character, helping and caring, being human, 

Sit in meditation and look into your anger......address it and know yourself.......
once you seek the cause of your anger, its nature, its effect on your personality and relationships, its origin - no one need tell you what to do and how to do.......go within and look into your emotion......

1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

You are just 2 posts away from breaking your own record.
In 2016 you made 303 posts and as of now in 2020 you made 301.