Thursday, September 10, 2020

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets


Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

Frederick Douglass | Salee Reese

Quotes about Doing the right direction (40 quotes)

She being herself answered “No. keep giving advice. Keep helping people. Keep explaining to people. Just remember to not own the results and its benefits if any. Disown it. next, don’t condition the results. If someone takes, bless him, someone doesn’t bless him too. And as you do work on others, work on the areas on which are you are helping others. If you are asking someone to let go off their anger, look at yourself – which is the area where you apply let go in your life – especially anger. Is it an expectation, condition or a belief? And then work on it. Heal it. Don’t blame or judge them or get angry at them for not taking your advice or thanking you after benefitting out of it. do the job. Enjoy ‘doing’ and expect nothing in return. Your healing happens faster than you can imagine. You’ll become lighter. Your light will shine forth and that’ll reflect in every aspect of your life – more beautifully than you can imagine” having said this she sat with eyes closed. 

                                   70 Chanakya Quotes which describe the reality of life

We discussed among ourselves for some time. We exchanged our views.

Then after sometime we joined her in meditation. Today, we glided into meditation much more effortlessly than usual!
53 Water Reflection Quotes That Will Enlighten You | Antimaximalist

Was it the topic that we covered?

Was it her presence that made the difference today?

Whatever it was, it was good for us!

We liked what we heard and received together. Many of our pending questions too seemed to be addressed today.

Time to see where and how to fit this understanding in our life!

Jo Kitts Yoga, The Santosha Studio, 40 Foghamshire, Chippenham (2020)
Yes, we had to make it part of our system. What use is it otherwise?

With these thoughts we started our meditation. We sat in meditation till even these thoughts were silenced.

We tasted silence! And that tasted better than all our understanding put together!

On such days leaving her place seemed more painful than ever! But we had to and so we did…….for now….


# meditate, advice, giving and receiving, honesty, character, integrity, 

read the related post to study about living in the moment, trust, how to live life to the fullest, change which is certain and yet so beautiful and much and tell me what you wish to share with others.....

Pointers on this post : 
  • "She being herself answered " - Inspite of being scorned, talked with irritation in the tone, she maintains her poise and calm....that is not talking about her. That is not to say "oh, so Guru's are supposed to be like that" and go around judging one and all people whom you call or term as Gurus...Here we are seeing a possibility. Here we are being told the way to conduct ourselves and to maintain our poise and balance inspite of people around us being hurtful, irritating and getting angry for no reason.......if we can just pick this up and work on our state of mind, we will then have no problem with any one in our life. All our relationship problems would vanish once and for all.......
  • "Don’t blame or judge them or get angry at them for not taking your advice or thanking you after benefitting out of it. do the job. Enjoy ‘doing’ and expect nothing in return" - this sums up our behaviour after giving advice to others.....when someone doesn't take it we get let down, angry, irritated. We end up trying to find reason and justify it as their karma not being good or any of their character which is not up to the mark. Once shop keeper sells us does he come to our house and see if we are using his product and then judge us if we haven't unpacked even after years of purchasing like a shop keeper, give advice and forget it.....
  • "We tasted silence! And that tasted better than all our understanding put together!" - This silence can be experienced only when the mind is calmed or put aside for some time at least. This joy is greater than nay 100 times greater than the greatest joy you know of this person is one who goes for a higher joy in comparison to the lower joy every least start with working for this joy by meditating for 15mts per day......with no expectations out of it - just for the joy it is capable of giving when done right......go for it....its yours for asking.....

Note : 

Every time i see anger, fear, irritation, suffering etc in one of you, i know i haven't explained enough or i keep working on various ways of explanation. This path is very difficult and i appreciate each one of you however little steps you make for still keeping up this walk with me. I never said it was easy, but I can promise one thing, it is worth it and is more satisfying than all the journeys you would make in this and any other life time. This also would make your other journeys enjoyable and that is the beauty of this journey. It just doesn't make you rich from within but opens you up to the joys of this world which you so much seek....
in this post i have made few changes in the way i added tips on understanding the post better........let me know if it was useful in any way.......


Aarthi said...

Thank you mam,shopkeeper example super.u make it so clear mam( especially for me)one more lesson learnt.thank you mam.

Supriya said...

Perfect! Now I know what my next step should be in this journey.

Thank you Ma’am!

V Sridhar said...

Very Beautiful...Thank you ❤️🙏
With love & gratitude

Supriya said...

Here is my understanding of giving and receiving so far.

While receiving: let go off the information I am holding pertaining to the subject. Listen to the giver openly and with attention. Apply it to the situation in hand as is recommended. Take the sum total of the learning and apply it. The previous two sentences may sound contradicting, but use proper judgement when the situation shows up. Give it time before deciding if it’s working or not. Let go of anger/frustration etc. while taking, and look at the message objectively. If it doesn’t work for any reason, then revisit the process or move on (whatever applies), it will all fall in place eventually. Don’t hold any immediate failures against the giver. Be grateful.

When giving: when asked for something, look within. Ask myself if I have the experience, intention and the attitude to answer, for that particular situation. Work on self if there is a gap. Give only when I am filled with the right attitude pertaining to the subject. When I am filled with the energy needed for that conversation, my words will carry the message to the receiver (or else they will be hollow words with no impact). Understand the receiver’s state of mind, intent and willingness to learn, and then frame my answer accordingly. Keep working on it and/or me as needed. As long as the person truly asks for help, provide it gently and in appropriate size. Do not own their behavior or the result. Don’t make it personal, don’t get angry/frustrated, or attach any expectations or conditions to their response. It may take longer, just go with the flow and continue working on self and them. I don't have to give an answer to the person who is not really seeking a solution.

My observation:
1. In all of the above, the intent plays a vital role. The intent needs to be clear and aligned to the role I am playing and to the subject matter. The intent will also help me acquire the right mindset needed to read, listen, receive and give.
2. Work on self. Let go of the ego. 
3. I need to work on letting go of the attitude that causes me to make it personal and leads me to form a judgement.
4. Gratitude and appreciation for the situation and the person should be a part of me. I should remember it is also an opportunity for me to identify and grow out of my current limitations.
5. Trust the giver and the receiver. Connect with them at an energy level. Keep my judgement aside.

Few reference posts/series (May have missed some):
Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets
Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!
Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude
Why when an answer is given, it is not taken?
Few FAQs with Guru

Also this post from 2016 has a few answers, if we are able to understand the essence: Me, My Guru - On Giver and receiver

Love and light,