Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

third.eye.bliss | Buddha quotes inspirational, Yoga inspiration quotes,  Buddhism quote

“Buddha would go from village to village preaching and sharing his knowledge. He would rest in a village for few days. And people from surrounding villages would come to visit the ‘Great Ones!’ People with all sorts of problems would come to visit him seeking their remedy. On one such day, after the discourse a woman brought forth her lad and pleaded ‘The Great One’ “Master, my son eats lots of sweets. It is bad for him. Please ask him not to eat so much of sweets. If you ask him not to he’ll not eat”.

31 Most Inspiring Buddha Quotes That Will Change Your Life
Buddha looked at the boy aged around 7 years old smiled and said “Mother, bring your boy after 7 days. I’ll surely tell him so”.

Mother found it odd but trust she had for Buddha made her leave the place silently after bowing down to him.

She came back after a week and pleaded again “Master, can you just ask my son not to eat sweets”.

50 Best Meditation Quotes for Beginner Zen Masters
Buddha looked at the mother, then at the young lad and closed his eyes for couple of minutes. When he opened he looked at the mother with love and said “Mother, please come after 7 days. I’ll surely do as you ask me to”.

The mother left without asking any questions. She wasn’t angry either. Where ‘trust’ is ‘doubt’ is not! Where there is no doubt, how can anger be there?

She came after 7 days. She bowed to ‘The Great One’ and pleaded again “Great One, please ask my son to stop eating sweets”. 


# on giving and receiving advice, honesty, character, intentions and integrity of character, shallowness, 

also read to understand how what see reflects who we are    :   https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=buddha+and+he+lake

Points addressed : 
  • Why one person's advice is well received while the other's not?
  • What should be the qualities of the 'giver of advice' while giving and even other wise?
  • Does quality of giver make a difference in what he gives?
  • Does intention and centre from which it is given makes all the difference? If yes, how?

Questions raised in the post :

  • Why did Buddha ask the woman to come after 7 days?
  • What attitude of the woman made her come back with her request?
  • Was there demand in woman's voice or her conduct? Did she think it was 'the duty' of Buddha to heal her son?
  • What are the qualities that the giver of advice should have before giving advice?

Share a miracle that you had long back and forgot to share.......

This article would close on "Qualities required in giver and receiver of the advice" started with Taj Mahal post.......

sum up all the points in all the related posts and you will get the complete picture.....

be ready with all the understanding and points by the time of completion of this post......


Supriya said...

‘Share a miracle that you had long back and forgot to share.......’

This is a miracle in itself. I was contemplating on sharing a miracle since July.

In the first week of July 2019, I and my family saw a little turtle crossing the road when we were returning from a state park. We had gotten off our vehicle to admire it and take some pics.

This year again in the first week of July, we went to the same park and we were remembering the turtle from last year. We all had a thought ‘what if we see it happen again?’ But we did not mention it as we felt that it was a silly thought.

Guess what?.. I am sure you guessed it! Yes, we saw a turtle cross the road at the same spot, again when we were returning from the park. And we did take a moment to admire it and take pics.

Those moments filled our hearts with joy. A thought - more like a wish, being fulfilled by the universe. We have another memory to cherish!!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!

Kshitija said...

Today when I read this post these are my take always

Answers to the few of the questions

1. Buddha was letting go
2. The attitude of the women that made her come back was her trust on Buddha.
3. She did not think it was the duty of Buddha.
4. Honesty is the most important