Monday, March 30, 2020

Clarification regarding healings!

Clarification regarding healings!

Don't Misunderstand Quotes -

During 1-2 slot no hands on should be done.......

ONLY what is given below can be done - i repeat anything apart from that CAN NOT BE DONE!

During 1-2 slot meditation slot - you can

  • Preferably sit in meditation
  • do MM japam sending reiki to Mother Earth 

Don't know to send reiki to Earth/ forgotten to do Earth healing / any other confusion - simply Chant MM Japam - just chant with reiki on - that's all - no need to say any intention / or direct it any where ----- i repeat SIMPLY CHANT MM JAPAM

2. Meditation : You can do any of the meditations taught to you. You can do one after the other too.... 

simply sit in silence and meditate

I have highlighted the above explanation to tell that it is very clearly told in the previous posts on this the posts more than once it is clearly given. 
As already told you complete all the meditations taught to you one after the other - like green fire ball, let go etc depending upon your degree......take out your reiki notes......note down all the meditations taught to after the other in  that slot and that way you have revised all the old meditations also......

you need not do the same meditation daily...

you can do 3-4 meditation per day and that would complete your 1 hour slot.......

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