Tuesday, January 7, 2020

So what…mantras!

So what…mantras!

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The New year 2020 has started.  We welcomed it with a bang! All those who partied hard on New Year's eve are still high on ‘party fever’. Good!

Those who did party at home with near and dear watching late night TV shows – Good for you too!

Those few of us who are sensible enough slept as usual – kudos to them!

Religious among us went to the temple assuming it to be a classic ‘good’ start.

Many of us made resolutions like every other year only to be ‘forgotten’ sooner than later!

Few of us took resolution not to take any resolution. Wow!

So much planning and action involved in sending away old year (as if it wouldn’t go if not sent this way?!) and welcoming new year (would it not come otherwise?!)………

And yet within a fortnight or two we find ourselves in the old rut of boredom, same old feelings and same old emotions. Sad?  Yes but true!

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To overcome those age old feelings of loneliness, pain, self pity etc etc let me give you a mantra as a New Year Gift ….”SO WHAT !” MANTRA

What is this mantra and how and where to use it?


#on moving on, let go, attachments, life lessons, 

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