Thursday, January 30, 2020

on hindi poems - safar mein Nida fazli.......


On hindi poem - Safar by Nida fazli....

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This is very clearly a very noble and yet loving gesture of highest kind – not to say highly romantic one. Romance is viewed only as long drives, candle light dinners, cards exchanged with cheesy messages* exchanged!

Image result for sacrifice quotes"

But poet here is expressing it the ‘highest’ and can I add “the best and right” way! He loves the other so much that he is ready to lie low for the other to use him as a ‘propeller’ to go ahead.

Where is the negativity here?

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Again when he talks of other’s weakness he is not demeaning the other. He is just aware of the other’s limitations. And out of sheer love for the other he says don’t be limited by your flaws or limitations, I am ready to be your launching pad. I’ll give you that support. I’ll be your support. How romantic is that!

Where is negativity here?

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Finally,  ultimate love for the other comes across in these lines where a person is ready to become a ‘stepping stone’ for the other’s success!**


* (I am not degrading them though these acts of expression of love or expressions of romance!)

** (Of course, most people “USE” others to fulfill their wants, desires and call that love.

But the real human is one who ‘lets’ people /person he loves to use him to go ahead in life. These are few and far in between.
In the ladder of humanity, the first category is more in number and can be said to be of inferior category.
The second type is less in number and also superior in character and category.) 

# love, sacrifice, poem by Nida fazli, safar - a poem, on life, hard truths of life, character, attitude

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