Sunday, January 5, 2020

On Blessings!

On Blessings!

Few demand blessings and receive none!
Some seek blessings and receive some!
And others RECEIVE!

Those who DEMAND blessings come with their ego!
Those who seek blessings work on their ego!
And others put aside their ego!

Those who come with their ego even if given blessings receive not!
Those who work on their ego when given a blessing receive some!
Others receive blessings always!

A true Master blesses all and yet
Few receive nothing!
Few receive some!
And others receive it all!

When you think you can bind a master to bless, you receive not!
When all you want is to serve, you receive even when you seek not!

You heal in confirmation to your ego!
Your Master guides you to heal what NEEDS TO BE HEALED!

Some receive blessings and
Some not!

# Healings, blessings, Guru/Master, discipleship, serve, on receiving, abundance, ego, surrender, humble

Questions answered :

  • Why some students of a master/Guru receive more than the others?
  • Why some students are ever complaining?
  • What is the quality that if developed is "panacea" to all problems?
  • What is the essential quality require in the student?
  • What is the quality that stops or doesn't let a student/devotee receive any blessing?
Points to be looked into:

  • What and why is the difference between receiving and not?
  • "You are the stumbling block in your abundance" - how?
  • Why your prayers are not answered inspite of your rituals performed?


Mona said...

This is so true! I've received always, even when I have not 🙏
I think dropping the ego helps and also also dropping the doubt. Many a times we are busy trying to test the Guru and end up missing out on the blessings.

Mona said...

I am sorry if this is not the right platform, but I wanted to reach out to fellow reiki channels. Let us all please send reiki to mother Earth to heal the fires in Australia so that the forest, animals and people are safe. Thank you Guruji. Thank you reiki.

Vaibhav said...
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Vaibhav said...
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Vaibhav said...

This is the PERFECT platform for the request you made!!! It will be great if all Reiki Channels send 15-20 mins Reiki to mother earth DAILY IRRESPECTIVE OF whether things are in control or not.

I remember mam had written a post long back about breakdown management. It stresses about how we need to heal things in order / in priority... It's nice that you (and others who are doing Reiki) are realizing our potential and putting into practice what mam had explained in that post.

But we should also remember that mam had emphasized it many times that we need to do sadhan even when things are in control. This is the next step we all should take ie... We need to send Reiki daily irrespective of current environmental situation.

Recent Africa Fire and now the Australia fires are very good excuses for us to take up this challenge / responsibility much seriously of doing mother earth healing daily. If someone does not find 15-20 mins time explicitly to send Reiki to mother earth I would like to share few examples/ ideas of how we can do Mother earth healing even when we are busy attending to other things.

1) Travel time -- Most of our travel time from office to home is free time, so before starting from office you can draw symbols and tell intention and start or if you get a chance to sit in Bus stand / metro building you can do there also.

2) Office Meetings -- Usually in my office we just have to listen to what manager or other's are presenting , so this time also I utilize.

3) When we go to functions or parties.

Thank You for initiating about this topic, I also got a chance to share my views.

Thank You Guruji, Thank You Reiki, Thank You Revathi Mam

- Vaibhav

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

Articles / News like these encourages us to do Mother Earth Healing More & More, Few people think "why should only I do earth healing or put efforts to reduce pollution" or "Nothing will happen if only I work to improve pollution" to all such people, no offence on my behalf but believe me in the past few years I've been seeing that MILLIONS of people across the globe are putting their efforts to save mother earth from further pollution. I can give 100's of such articles which I read daily.

One more is above just to convince some of those who are still standing on borderline and thinking to start and not yet started.

We may not do things which these people do but we all REIKI CHANNELS are blessed with a gift , we have access to reiki , using which we can HEAL OUR MOTHER EARTH.

I would humbly request all Reiki channels to make it a mandatory routine in ur daily life to do 15 Minutes of Mother Earth Healing everyday. More the better, Few blessed souls like Aarthi Garu do it regularly, many of us need to join too.

Thank You Guruji,
Thank You Reiki.