Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fear of society – Me, my Guru


Fear of society – Me, my Guru

Image result for healing quotes buddha

Was that not the reason we gave her the “title Guru”?

“Is that not ironic that Guru is the one to whom we owe our seva (unaccountable service) and yet we demanded her to serve us?

As a student we need to do everything to fulfill her desires and wants. And yet we expected her to be the wand that fulfills our petty desires?

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With these attitudes we would never be her “shishyas”. And she would never be our “Guru”. We used that term for our convenience and for our expectations only! It did not mean anything else for us!” vented our both Rahul and Aziz.

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I sat silent for a while as I was also the who behaved so selfishly with my Guru. Yes, I used her as a dumping ground of my anger, expectations and always expected her to fall in line to my demands and conditions that I laid for “being Guru”.

Today I understood I thing for sure! All this anger, frustration, selfishness in me was the cause of all the cruelty that reflected in the society at large!

Image result for healing quotes buddhaShe kept telling me to heal myself and yet I would always say “..yes, I understand but for now what about my wish/desire that is pending?...”

She had asked me to heal and had given techniques to heal my anger and yet I wouldn’t heal them being angry at her for not fulfilling my wish and instead asking me to heal my anger.


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