Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Work on essence


One colour or a mode of dressing shouldn’t bind me. If it does, I would be a ritualistic person but certainly not a spiritual one. Because, spirituality means breaking belief systems, freeing oneself from the ‘set image’ of self – be it perceived by self or others. If I feel I am a ‘good person’, ‘religious or spiritual person’ only if I stick to certain code of dressing, then I’ll never be free in any sense.

Why do we usually stick to certain code of dressing? Because, it’ll project a ‘set image’ about us to others and because it is an accepted norm of dressing in the society that we want to fit in. But, many times people want to dress other-wise and long to but because of familial and social pressures suppress their desires. In the process, they nurture anger, hatred and malice towards people who are to live their desires. And their anger and negativity comes out as insult, taunt or sarcasm about the person who dares to live ‘their’ desires. 

In short, Clothing is the best form of 'disguise' we use to hide our true selves! So beware!

Is not ‘rose’ by any other name still a ‘rose’ true?

Then ‘Me’ in any form of dressing is still ‘me’. Isn’t it?

Don’t be fooled by the packaging. Look into the ‘Essence’. As Kabirdas says

Jaathi na pooch sadhu ki

Pooch lijiye gyan,

Mol karo talwari ka

Pada rahane do myan..

जाती ना पूछो साधू की 
पूछ लीजिये ज्ञान 
मोल करो तलवारी का 
पडा रहने दो म्यान 

Don’t ask a ‘sadha’ (ascetic) what his caste is,

Ask him of the knowledge that he has,

It’s the sword that fetches the price

And not the case that’s considered while purchasing a sword.


Read related posts for further clarification "http://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=knowing

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