Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Buddha poornima


Take up a book like Guru-Gita, Bhagavatam and read it. If you can’t, listen to these discourses. These few techniques done during these months will speed up the process of healing – for sure!

And most important get up between 3-5am and sit in meditation atleast for 15mts atleast thrice a week. Make a commitment and stick to it. Start atleast with once a week. It’ll make a huge difference in the long run.

Every drop maketh an ocean!

Ask questions if you are still unclear on this topic…..

Till you meet your assigned Guru, how do you know you are with the right person? Take this acid test “It you are afraid of meeting your Guru (supposed) and yet can’t stop from wanting to meet him, know you are with the right person.

By all means, avoid ‘person’ who is ‘too good’ for your own good. A master is one who is fearless of losing your respect and yet dare to speak the Truth that is good for you. One who insults you is not the one I am talking about. If you meet someone who insults you everytime you meet, then simply walk away from him. But stick with the person who is ever correcting you to better you as a person and who knows he gets to be misunderstood for the same as being ‘insensitive, egoist, arrogant’ etc.

His energy and love should draw you to him but his fearlessness and straight-forwardness should wane you away from him. His ego should be zero with regards to you and he should be a mirror ‘reflecting you as you are’ to you.

Keep away from one who sweet talks you to be in your good books.

And ofcourse he should have some knowledge to fall back on to answer your questions.

And last but not the least, does he himself ‘actually’ practice what he teaches especially the techniques and does he conduct himself the way he asks you to!

For starts this is enough of ‘acid test’ to accept someone as ‘Guru’.


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